Detective Decker, Mr Morningstar. Oh! And a Dead Body: Part One

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Hesperia's POV

Convincing the school that we're going to be away for a while was easy as pie! Although convincing the staff of the orphange basically went down like sam trying to get pie in season 4 of supernatural... not well, why you ask? Because we had to convince them that we weren't staying near a nightclub due to it being a den of iniquity.
But why not tell them you were staying with a friend I hear you say, well mr goody two shoes here said that we were without thinking! But in the end it ended in back chat and running, back chatting because we were arguing and running because we laughed in there faces as they threatened us with a wooden ruler, yes a wooden ruler sorry Henry VIII I didn't realise you were back from hell want to do a few beheadings while your here too. We grabbed our bags we had packed earlier and ran out the door.

(Time skip)
We're hereeeee I stretched my arms giving my back a nice big click, thats probably bad for you but oh well felt good to me. I look up and around the building it was huge! I didnt know Damian knew some rich people. To be honest I didn't know he knew many people at all. Anywho, Damian spoke to the managers of the hotel and they gave us our key to the room we're not even staying the night because tonight we are going to the Cabin. I'd be more happier to go upstairs to the club but oh no I'm too young.
Damians excitement for going to see the show is making me feel ill.
"Damian! Put on some music and turn it up." I shouted to him from the bathroom. Shower time is singing time well trying to sing time.
Kerrang! Is usually the channel we listen to its got all of our music on it.
Paramore comes on.

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
(I sing into my shampoo container)

Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge, but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
We're not the same
Oh, we're not the same
Yeah, the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good, it's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go
I'd best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go
I'd best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

I stop singing as I get a sudden pain "ow ow ow ow fuckkkk thats stinging!" I started shouting and Damian runs in.
"Whats happened? you okay?" He said wide eyed and panicked.
"No I'm not okay I got shampoo in my bloody eye!" I said rubbing water to my face, I look out of one eye and see Damian standing next to me holding in his laughter.
"Are you okay, Damian" I said continuing to rinse out my hair.
"Hmmhmm yes I'm good, theres nothing funny here." He says and quickly runs out the door, I roll my eyes and start to condition my hair.
Time skip
Hair done, check!
Make up done, check!
Badass clothing, check!

Time skip Hair done, check!Make up done, check! Badass clothing, check!

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An hour later after Damian checking his hair and his suitcase it was finally time for us to leave

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An hour later after Damian checking his hair and his suitcase it was finally time for us to leave. I'm not entirely sure how long it will take for us to get there, actually I don't know how we are gettng there, Damian's leaving it as a suprise not that I care anyway I just want this trip over and done with. Luckily its not raining outside or I'd be pissed I feel like I've been waiting forever, its probably because I don't really wanna go. I look up and down the road and my eyes spot a long ass limo coming up towards us.
''SUPRISE!!'' Damian shouts.
The limo pulls in front of us and a man gets out the car opening the door for us.
''Thanks Jarvis'' I say with a cheeky grin and get in. The door closes behind us and we look around there are so many buttons to press! And guess what I'm gonna do.
I started pushing them and all different things happened. Windows started opening and closing the roof of the limo opened well a little window bit. A draw came out and it had some cigarettes in it, I looked a Damian while holding them and he smirked.
'they're all for you I know how much you'll need them these next few days, it'll be boring but smoking is allowed and so is drinking which is whyyyy.'' he continued the why until he pulled something out from under the seats 'we have vodka.'' I grab a bottle and laugh.
''see this is why we are best friends, I put up with your shit and you buy me drinks in return. How did you even get served?" He smiles and says, ''I know someone who owes me a favour in the nightclub above, I scratch his back, he scratches mine'
I nod and open the cigarettes, I light it with my lighter.

 How did you even get served?" He smiles and says, ''I know someone who owes me a favour in the nightclub above, I scratch his back, he scratches mine'I nod and open the cigarettes, I light it with my lighter

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Looking out of the over head window I watch as all the cars go past. I never really realised how much I missed, me being in the rat hole of a place, its like a prison a godly prison but I feel free to do what I want any old time and yes I did just quote The Worlds End film, its a good film so haters can hate if you want.
I blew out the smoke and the pain comes back to my eye, causing me to drop the cigarette and sit back down in the car. I hiss rubbing my eye ''what you done now?'' I look over at him squinting my right eye ever so slightly biting my tongue because I can see him holding back his laughter yet again! ''Smoke in your eye? what have I told you about smoking when the winds blowing you're either going to get smoke or ash in your eye. I thought you would have learnt by now.'' I glare at him and try and find something to throw at him but I can't.
''Are we there yet?'' I say looking at him dead in the eyes.
''No not yet, I'd say another ten minutes''
Oh I know how to wind him up.
''Are we there yet?''
''Are we there yet?''
''Are we there yet?''
''are we there yet?''
''are we there yet?''
''NO WE ARE NOT THERE YET!'' he shouts but then we come to a hault. The door opens and I look at Damian, I jump out the door and run for it. Jarvis is getting our bags out of the car and Damian is trying to catch up with me but my ninja skills are too good for him skills mwhahaha. Finally I see him running out of breath, I walk up to him and pat him on the back.
''You'll get me one day old man but today is not that day.''
"I only a year older than you!" He says.
"Still an old man" I said laughing at the end. I grab my bags and run to the enterance.
''Now lets get this shit over and done with shall we.'' I smirk holding my hand out to Damian. He takes it and we walk in.

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