Post-Date Disaster

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Addie’s POV


I was absolutely furious with Kelly. I was so close! His lips were only millimeters from mine! And there goes Kelly interrupting us. Not giving a care in the world!

"Addie!" she said. "You’re home! I was just about go down to take the trash out." She moved the door revealing the garbage bag she was about to take down stairs.

"Alright well it was good hanging out with you today Addie," said Zayn. "I’ll see you around."

"Oh," I said turning back to Zayn. "Okay, well bye." Zayn turned and went down the hallway. I watched him until he turned, and I could no longer see him. Then I turned back around to Kelly scowling.

Her smile on her face dropped. "What did I do?" She asked.

I sighed. "Nothing, forget it."

"Okay," she said, restoring the smile on her face. "Come with me to take the trash out?"

"Alright," I agreed. "Lets go."

We walked all the way back down stairs. I looked out side really quickly, then did a double take. I was confused on why Zayn was still outside. I decided I probably should go apologize for Kelly interrupting us.

"Here," I told Kelly. "I’ll take the trash outside, you go check the mailbox."

Kelly nodded and handed me the bag. I started walking towards the door. As soon as I got to the door he walked away. I was really sad. I was hoping to get to talk to him again. I didn’t want to call after him, I didn’t want him to think that I was obsessive or something.

I put the trash in the dumpster and walked back inside. Kelly was looking through the mail. She glanced up. "Here Add, this is for you." She said handing me a purple envelope.

I took it and looked at it confused. All of our bills were addressed to her. I didn’t know anyone who had every sent me a letter before that used purple envelopes either.

I ripped open the top and took out a card. The front was blank, and the inside had a note that read: ‘This is me and Zayn, just thought you should know about us."

I opened the envelope up more to see if there was anything else in it. There was. A picture. I pulled it out. It was a picture of Zayn and another girl, kissing. The date at the bottom was yesterday.

I stopped walking. Kelly looked back at me confused. "What’s wrong?" She asked.

I swallowed hard. I was completely unable to answer. My hands were shaking. I dropped the picture, the envelope and the card. Kelly looked at my with worry clearly painted all over her face.

I ran up the stairs, to our apartment, and into my room. I locked my door, grabbing the key off the top of the door-hinge before shutting it completely.

I dove onto my bed and cried into my pillow. He was playing me. I should have known not to trust a musician.

A few moments later I heard rapid footsteps, that soon entered our room. I knew it was Kelly.

I heard her hand grab the door knob. She obviously did not expect for the door to be lock, because she walked right into the door.

There was a very loud thud, followed by a cursing Kelly. "Addie," she called into my room. "Let me in!"

I didn’t answer.

"Addie! Come on, let me in," she pleaded.

Again I didn’t respond.

"Fine," she said with a stamp of her foot. "Be that way!"

I listen as I heard her footsteps diminish until finally they were gone.



Liam’s POV


I was just climbing into bed for the night, when my phone went off. I groaned, and made my way over to answer it. Kelly’s name was lite up on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!?!" She screamed into the phone.

"Who?" I asked. "What happened?"

"Zayn," she snapped into the phone. "What the hell is his problem? Why the hell would he almost kiss Addie, if he was seeing someone else?!?"

"I don’t know what you’re talking about," I told her. "Zayn isn’t seeing anyone else."

"Liar!" she shrieked. "I am holding a picture of him kissing someone, with yesterdays date on it!"

"Send me a picture of it," I told her. "I will talk to Zayn about it."

"I hope it’s painful," she growled as she hung up.

A few minutes later I got a media message from Kelly with the picture of the picture she had. It was clear as day that Zayn was kissing some one, apparently just only yesterday.

I was fuming. I had told Zayn what Addie had been going through, and yet he still decided to treat her like crap.

"ZZZAAAAAAYYYYYYNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" I bellowed across the house.

Eight feet hit the floor. And eight feet ran to my room. Only two of those feet actually dared to come in though.

"Yes?" Said a very very scared Zayn.

"What is this?!" I screamed showing him the picture on my phone.

"How did you get a picture of that?" he asked.

"I didn’t, Addie did."

He looked like he was in complete shock. He just starred with wide eyes and a dropped open mouth at the picture.

After a few minutes, he responded. "Some crazy fan kissed me yesterday morning. I didn’t know there was a picture even taken."

I knew he was telling the truth, but I knew Kelly never would think that. This. Was. Bad.



***Just in case your wondering, Zayn was telling the truth. He was attacked by a crazy fan, and somehow a picture got taken. Also, I am still considering entering the Watty Awards, please let me know what you think. (If I should or not) Lastly, a few days ago something went completely crazy with my story. The chapters got all mixed up. I had to combine 2 chapters(The Hospital & Daddy Direction) If your chapters seem to be out of order, please just delete, and re-download it. If you do and you still notice that it is out of order, LET ME KNOW. I need to know so that I can fix it ASAP. The order of the chapters so far are: Private Paradise, Addie’s dream, Up bright and Early, The end of work surprise, The suicidal meeting, Save you Tonight, The hospital/ Daddy Direction, Confusion, I should’ve kissed you, Post-Date Disaster.

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