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James Potter had been looking everywhere for his favourite Hufflepuff who seemed to be nowhere in sight

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James Potter had been looking everywhere for his favourite Hufflepuff who seemed to be nowhere in sight. She was always easy to find, but for once he had trouble doing so.

He knew that she'd be busy within the time since she had her OWLs to worry about, but she wasn't even in the library either.

So, he resulted in using the map only to find out that she had been in the Hospital Wing, which caused James to panic.

For anyone who had no idea why the Potter had run through the halls assumed he had pranked someone and was simply running away. Though for people who had known him, such as his best mates Sirius, Remus and Peter knew otherwise, all he had uttered to them was 'Tabitha' and they knew enough not to question anymore.

Tabitha had nearly fallen off the bed with the hospital door slamming open," Merlin" was all she mumbled raising her hand to her chest as she peered at the person that entered the room.

"Jas?' She spoke up making the said male lock eyes with her for a moment and," Bitsy!"

He had found himself nearly tripping over his own foot walking over, which Tabitha had no nerve to point out since she knew from his facial expression, that it was not a time to joke "Merlin, what happened to you?" He asked in between breaths

"How did you know I was here?" She questioned and he frowned to her words making him place his hands on his hip.

"Bitsy, what happened?" He asked again making her almost flinch at the sudden tone in his voice.

"I— sort of overworked myself" She mumbled making James deflate laying on her bed. She giggled softly patting his head knowing that he was probably the one who'd need it more than her at this rate, especially from the uneven breathing.

"You'd think I'm the one who needed to be here" Tabitha muttered out her thoughts getting a small low chuckle from him. He shifted in the bed which resulted in the pair of them laying next to each other, though with James on his side and Tabitha on her back.

"How exactly did you overwork yourself enough to be in here?" James asking making her sigh.

"It's happened a couple of times before" She started," I get so caught into reading that I forget to eat and sleep"

"The most important things you need," James said blankly," How on Merlin's beard did you forget those crucial things?"

She shrugged her shoulder unknowingly turning to him," I just tend to be forgetful sometimes, Frank often goes berserk when he finds out, which is why I begged my fellow prefect not to say a word"

"He's just worried about you Bitsy, just like me, when I saw where you were, I nearly got myself admitted in here from running more than I usually do"

"Saw where I was?" She asked making him grin," Just another one of those things you'll have to find out about me" He winked making her chuckle

"Right" She responded rolling her eyes," I bet it's the way you always find me"

"No, usually I don't use that method, because I often find it easy to find you. If I was a seeker, I would so make a joke about that"

She let out a groan "Oh please no—No quidditch puns Jas, I'd push you out of this bed" and all James did was laugh.

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