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"So, what's going on between you and James?" Alice asked Tabitha as they both were currently walking out of advanced potions

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"So, what's going on between you and James?" Alice asked Tabitha as they both were currently walking out of advanced potions.

"That's been an ongoing question as of late" Tabitha mumbled incoherently but Alice understood what she had said.

"Well, considering Frank found the pair of you laying in the hospital wing beds, and shouting 'my baby sister is grown up' you'd assumed I'd never ask that?"

Tabitha sighed looking at her," Right, whatever Franklin had thought happened never did. Can't a girl and guy just be friends?"

"Of course, they can" Alice quickly responded jumping in front of Tabitha to stop her from walking," But what you and James seem to have doesn't really ring the whole friend's bell for me"

"How so?" She asked curiously, she had never thought to find herself wanting to know why people assumed her and James were more than friends, but for once she was actually curious.

Alice grinned," Well, the way you two tend to just give the aura together. It's like you both just make this image of everyone seeing you both together"

"Together? Like a couple?" Tabitha tilted her head and Alice had the urge to groan but held it back.

"Love, you are not dense" Alice started reaching over grabbing a single hand," You two clearly have feelings for each other, and honestly I'm just waiting for the day you two get together!"

"James has been chasing Lily Evans for the past four years, it wouldn't make sense why he'd just stop" Tabitha stated," Also, she seems like a nice girl,"

"She is but—Merlin forbids" Alice cursed," Tabitha, for once, just think about this. Try and see from someone else's point of view, and you'll come to understand that all he focuses on as of late is you. It all started the day after the party—"

"Alice, I don't even remember what happened between us during the party, and James won't tell me" She cut Alice off and sighed," I've passed the assumption it was blackmail" She stated

"Right, so if not blackmail, then what else? What could possibly be the reason?"

"I don't know, all I've gotten so far from him is that he's hinted about keeping a promise from that night"

"Have you tried to recollect your memories?" Alice asked making Tabitha nearly drop her books in hand," Wait you haven't tried?"

"I—I just forgot to make the effort" She confessed

"I bet it's because you been having a lot of fun, that you realized that maybe remembering doesn't matter anymore" Alice smirked making Tabitha not even bother responding.

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