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It had been three months that Tabitha had been thinking about the talk she had with Alice

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It had been three months that Tabitha had been thinking about the talk she had with Alice. Within those three months, she had also found herself avoiding James like a plaque, which obviously went noticed by him.

He'd turn to her brother, Alice and the guys to question if he did something, but all they said was the same thing 'I don't know'

Tabitha was not good at handling her thoughts so her way of hiding them caused her to run away, which turned out to only make James want to find out why.

Then when it came to Christmas it turned out being hard for her to avoid James since her family had decided to host a winter ball, and the Potters were not exempted from that list of guests.

"Seriously Bitsy, did I do something wrong?" Tabitha who was currently hiding out in her bedroom from socializing and mainly to avoid James nearly fell off her bed.

"J-James?!" She stuttered at the male dressed in formal robes," What are you doing up here?"

"Frank and Alice pretty much told me the moment I asked" He shrugged walking into her room sitting on the bed she was on.

"So, what did I do? It's been three months and you pretty much been making it a living to avoid me" James said calmly

She let out a sigh bringing her knees to her chest," I—James what if I never get my memories back? I tried so hard to but—I just can't remember anything, and I feel like—"

"That's it?" He raised his voice in more of a 'are you serious?!' tone than a hostile one.

"W-what?" She gaped at him only making him groan throwing himself on her bed which resulted in her almost falling off her bed.

"Tabitha Longbottom, you are such a silly woman sometimes, seriously—I honestly don't care if you remember or not anymore, because I genuinely just enjoy spending time with you"

"Really?" She questioned and he half smiled," Yes really"

"Why though?" She dared to ask and James closed his mouth and stared at her then laughed

"You jest Bitsy," He said in between laughs but she was not returning the reaction as she continued to stare at him confused.

"Wait—You were serious?" He leaned on his elbows looking at her as she nodded

"Merlin Bitsy you really don't get it, do you?" He asked and she immediately puffed her cheeks in annoyance," Obviously I don't James Potter"

"When you do things like that it makes it hard for me to not want to kiss you sometimes" He blurted out but he didn't feel embarrassed taking in what he said.

"W-what did you say?" She asked flustered

"I said—wait, hold on, " He inclined up now sitting crossed legged in front of her. He reached over grabbing her hand and smiled," I fancy you a lot Tabitha Longbottom, and I think I have for a while now" He kept his eyes on her as she fell silent to his sudden confession.

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