It's just fucking crack

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"Hey Siri, how do I fight god?"

"Bakugou I swear if you don't put your phone away i'll decapitate you with my capture weapon."


~3:33 in the morning~

The dorms are quiet, only the sounds of sleeping students flood the halls. Well. until an ear piercing scream wakes up half of the whole building. Half naked, sleep deprived teenagers stumble out of their rooms. One student in particular is wide eyed and shaking.

That student is Izuku Midoriya.

Well, he’s not really a student. Not yet anyway. He’s just...freeloading as he likes to call it.

Back to what I was saying. The shaky and anxious boy was staring at the walls, like someone had just flown through them. Toga and Dabi stood next to him. They also seemed nervous and skittish.

Iida walks up to Toga, the friendlier one out of the three, and asks her why they seem so shook.

“I-It’s him. He tried to kill us!” Her eyes flash with fear as she shuffles her feet together. This causes a feeling of dread to spread quickly through the hallway.

“Who is it?” Hagakure’s voice asks from somewhere in the crowd of mini heroes. Toga just points inside of the room across from her. The braver students poke their head inside to see who it is.

Inside the room is Nano, sleeping the night away. Bakugo raises an eyebrow at the villains. “And what the fuck did he do?”

And not one second later, a small throwing knife lodges itself into the wall, millimeters away from Bakugou’s head. He stumbles back looking towards Nano’s bed. The gray haired boy is now sitting up, his too big shirt falling off of one of hs shoulders. His hair was a mess and his body language seems sleepy. It would’ve been adorable, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s brandishing another knife. His aura screams murder and his eyes seem to glow red from the light coming in from the hallway. Bakugou shivers in fear before starting to back away.

Nano stays silent as everyone follows the explosion boy. As they felt they were far enough, a voice that almost causes Kaminari to shit his pants says,

“Who...the fuck...keeps waking me up?”

Midoriya screams in terror again before running off down the hallway, followed by Dabi and Toga, and then the rest of the class after that.

Moral of the story, don’t wake up Nano if you value your life.


As Aizawa makes his way down to the kitchen, he finds all of his students huddled on the couch with the villains. They seem to be asleep. Confused, he turns right back around. He’s not gonna ask. Nor is he gonna ask about the wet spot in the hallway.


~Deku, Baku, and Dabi are on the roof~

“Oi, Deku! What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m commiting sewer slide”

“You’re doing what?!”

Dabi holds up his phone. He’s been recording this whole thing. “I bet that he wouldn’t jump off the roof”

“And why the hell would you do that?!” Bakugou’s voice cracks as he gives Dabi a heated glare.

“I just thought it’d be funny”

“How the fuck is that fu-DEKU YOU SHIT DON’T ATUALLY JUMP OFF”



~Nano, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Jirou, Shinso, and Dabi~

“And now, our ceremony may start. Do you, Nano, accept?”

The small room seems huge as Nano and Dabi face eachother. They can’t seem to take their eyes off of the other.

Nano nods determinedly “Yes I do!”

“And do you, Dabi, accept just as Nano had done?”

“Hell yeah I do”

“Exellant. Now we must sing the song of our people”

Jirou and Shinso smirk as Todoroki presses play on one of the many speakers in the room. A g-note plays before everyone starts screaming.



~Extra with the author~

Demi: *minding my business typing on my computer*

Dabi: *kicks down my door* YOU’RE STILL FUCKING ALIVE BITCH?!

Demi: *screaming*

Deku, crawling through my window: Oh thank god, I thought I was stuck playing CaH with you losers forever

Toga, walking out of my closet: Um, excuse me?! I’m not a fucking loser

Nano, chilling on my bed: No, you guys are losers. Izu is just the biggest one

Deku: You wanna fight pipsqueak?!

Nano: How the fuck you calling pipsquek you fucking overused dildo

Demi: *sweat drops* Oh god what the fuck is happening

Toga and Dabi recording Nano and Deku fighting: Welcome to hell bitch

Hey, sorry for the longest hiatus of all time. Hopefully this ctack makes up for the shitty person I am

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