One Day

14 4 11

Maybe I'll beat my mother today,

The game she plays with me;

Is getting better for her everyday,

I never liked it in the start,

because I never understood it, in the first place,

But now I've started to play and started to understand life,

One step at a time, bit by bit, a little every day

One board, Two players and 64 squares,

She is the snow white but I keep the dark pieces to myself,

Queen is the most powerful out there,

But the king is important to the game and mostly to the queen

It's a game of life; you do anything to protect your empire

And anyone who stands against your empire is your prime enemy

In a usual game your opponent decides according to their own strategy and also use their opponents perception

But when you know your opponent thoroughly,

The game becomes pretty easy to play and to learn

I know a few things about my current opponent, as well as about my darling mother

I know that my darling mother would lose one day,

Don't mean to sound rude, I know this for sure because she sacrifices everything even her Queen to protect her King

In a relationship, a woman is a Queen, a man is a King and together they make a powerful empire

And as tales as old as time say; once upon a time,

One empire ruled, and after a period of time, it falters and a new empire takes over

They always forget the prime saying that all empires fall eventually.
It's the way of things.

Like a leaf,

Every leaf was once productive,

But after a time it was rotting in ground

Every kingdom was under the reign of someone

After a time someone else took over,

Eventually, this is what happens, in every game

Birds were returning to their home

The branches on the trees were swaying with the gentle breeze

While humming a forgotten, old tune,

My darling mother was assembling the piece on their respective places,

And scolded me that I give an open hand and play recklessly,

She is right, I know she is,

I want to say something but I won't because she had told me a rule that never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake

I know she is my mother, she worries about me

But she doesn't knows and I don't want her to know that I'm just testing my team; and their limits

My pieces have been there on their seats for centuries,

I have just arrived

My pieces have known their potential, their power from a lifetime,

I don't, yet

I'm new, for now but not for long

No one has ever won games just by resigning

I'll end mine, when my opponent is finished, completely

Then I'll begin again with a new game, with a new opponent

We learn so little from victory but so much from defeat

It's human nature to learn from own and others mistakes,

It does not matters to me who is going to eat whom

I'm willing to offer my King

After all after a few moves even a pawn can take the place of anything, you want it to, even a king

I don't know about maybe,

But I'll beat my darling mother one day

And from then, every day

Today is a new day,

But my opponent is still the same, the board is still the same, the pieces are standing in their place,

Mother went first, "Pawn to E4"

I replied with, "Pawn to E5"

And the game began.


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