Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Every time he look at me my girls be like, that one may be the one tonight." Soldier, Destiny's Child

"Does your ass still hurt, Choice-Lynn?" laughs erupt from around the room and Choi cuts her eyes at me.

"Girl yes, two days later and it still feels like the dick is lodged up there."

"Choi!" Net screams her name and falls over laughing. Choi shuffles into the kitchen shaking her head at us.

When she came home at three in the morning on Sunday we all turned away from our movie to look at her. Choi is loud as hell with everything so of course her crying would be loud too. The way she was wailing had us up and out of our seats immediately, hugging her and crying ourselves. But once she told us what happened Net and Mor both looked up at me and we burst out laughing. Apparently, Dr. "Long Stroke" had no strokes and as he was getting close to cumming he started going buck wild and slipped in her butt. It was wrong for us to laugh at her pain but the shit was hilarious and has been a running joke all week.

"I just got invited to Dj Speech's all white party." Garvy says from across the room.

"Sounds like a lick to me." Mor is the first to respond then she looks around the room at us and we all nod.

Garvy moves to the middle of the room so we can crowd around her phone and read the invitation. The invite is boring with an all white background and thin gold lettering. He's rented out Club Leaf in West Hollywood and it's supposed to be this big extravaganza. It doesn't say anything about guest on it but Speech emailed it himself and told Garvy to bring whoever she wants. He claims she's his homegirl and can do whatever she pleases, I roll my eyes at the message. It's all bullshit, he was one of the first people to turn his back on Garvy after that shit her mom pulled, snake muthafucka.

"Shit, there's no guest list attached." Garvy informs as she swipes through the pdf, skipping through dress codes and other shit we don't care about.

"I know you don't like it Bizzy but if we're going. We have to point him out." Net huffs.

She's right, I hate it, going in with a plan but no target. How the fuck are we going to know if our plan will work? We've done this three times and every time we've had to change our plan at the last minute. I think about it for a second, I think about our bank account, our mortgage, our food supply, I can't put those things in jeopardy, no matter how much money we have in our account, because I don't like something. So, I nod my head.

"It's cool, let's just go in with some basic shit and add on once we spot him."

"Or her." Mor comments and we all groan. Mor can no longer pick our targets, especially females. She bought the last bitch to my birthday party and half the shit there was paid for with the money we got from her.

"Hell no Mor, anyways" Net rolls her eyes, "who has something white in their closet? I know I don't, who the fuck do I look like Lisa Raye?" a chorus of "me neither" sounds and Choi speaks up.

"We're going shopping with the fifteen hundred I lifted off Dr. Wrong Hole."

"Wait, you robbed him?" Garvy asks.

"Bitch yes, the fuck you thought?! That muthafucka got his and I got mine, period. Crying and all I went through them pockets and his wallet so, shopping?" she looks at us and we all nod.


Garvy is the first to step into my room dressed in a short, white tube top dress with a split resting on her thick thigh and her long hair is flat-ironed and pulled into a genie ponytail. Net follows in her off the shoulder number that's even shorter than Garvy's and her short bob look as if it was laid by the gods. Then comes Choi in one of those little ass tube tops that barely cover your breasts and a pair of stretchy, double ruffle bell bottom pants, her dreads are in a neat bun on top of her head.

"Steppin' on fuckin' necks." I compliment them and they do a little spin before I turn back toward the mirror to finish my makeup. On our little shopping spree I picked out a white cat suit and paired it with a white train covered in tiny, gold maple leaves. My natural hair is styled in a curly fauxhawk.

"Ready to take these niggas money, literally." Net flips her bob and we all leave the room. Mor is standing in the kitchen when we round the corner looking every bit the beautiful lesbian she is dressed in an all white pants suit and a silver blouse with a plunging neckline. Her platinum blonde hair is cut into a fade showcasing her waves.

"Okay bitch, you out here trying to drown the whole party in dips and drip." Choi yells circling Mor and dusting off her shoulders. Mor does five poses in three seconds blushing the entire time.

We do this often, gas each other up, throwing out compliments even on our worst day and I swear that shit feels amazing. Giving and receiving compliments from my closest friends, my sisters makes me feel like it's the truth even if I couldn't get myself to feel it. Because what reason do they have to lie to me? Someone genuinely loving me feels incredible, these are my bitches and I got them for life.

"Alright come on, like Net said, we got motherfuckers to rob." Garvy waves us out the door and we all pile into her blue-black altima.

We make it to Club Leaf in no time and, after Garvy parks her car in the lot next door, we head straight to the front of the line.

"What's up, Leon?" Garvy smiles at the bouncer holding the velvet rope.

"Ms. Garvy the stallion." When he opens his funky ass mouth I literally have to take a step back.

"Do I have to show my invite?"

"Hell naw, you and your lady friends head on in." he lifts the rope and watches each and every one of us as we walk by.

We branch off as soon as we enter the club but remain in each other's view. As usual, Garvy and Choi are approached first but they're duds. One is wearing a fake patek and the other has no wallet, no jewelry nothing. I'm watching Net flirt with a known producer when someone bigger catches my eye and he's already staring at me with a lopsided grin on his face. Terrell Chapman, music mogul, director, producer, actor, clothing line owner, the next Jay-Z as the shaderoom called him. Too bad he more than likely doesn't carry cash and from what I can see he doesn't have on any jewelry either. My eyes go back to Net just as ol' dudes date walks up, she gives Net a stank look and grabs her dates hand. Bitch is lucky we're on a job cause Net would've beat her ass with no hesitation otherwise. When Janet walks away laughing I quickly find Mor and her choice makes me roll my eyes. She's chatting it up with a Chris Brown groupie that can't even get in their section, her ass gets on my nerves.

The rest of us headed back into the crowd in search of a suitable target but thirty minutes later all we've managed is a couple watches and Choi got a chain from a drunk ass instagram influencer, those won't get us enough. You get greedy, you get caught, my grandma's words fill my head but I brush them off, we won't get caught. Continuing through the packed club I catch Garvy's eyes and she slides them to her left, to Terrell, I shake my head at her and keep going. Seconds later I catch Choi and Net and their eyes slide to the right. back to Terrell who's still eyeing me. I'm about to tell them no when Mor steps into my line of vision just behind Terrell and points at the drink her hand and I know the plan she has in mind.

Fuck it.

Jay-Z got robbed before, right?

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