Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
"I'm from where you gotta keep a thumpa"- Vintage & Adventurous, conradfrmdaaves

          Terrell leans up and places his elbows on his knees as I begin to walk in his direction. He smiles showing off his perfectly white teeth, which are probably veneers, and I smile back holding eye contact the entire time. I take slow, sexy steps toward him and he stands up, instructing his guard to move out of the way.

"Well ain't you the baddest bitch in this muthafucka." He grins and grabs onto my hands to help me up the section steps.

"What would I be if I wasn't." he smiles even bigger at my confidence and waves over a waitress with a tray full of champagne flutes.

          I would be lying if I said I didn't react to how fine this man is. Every single hair on his butterscotch face is trimmed to perfection, beard, mustache, eyebrows, and his eyelashes put my minks to shame. Don't get me started on his lips, oh my god just looking at them is making my pussy do somersaults, every feature compliments each other and I'm fuckin' jealous. He smiles again as he passes me a glass and I get a glimpse of the diamond fangs in his mouth, I'd steal them shits too if I had the chance.

"You um," his voice is so deep it trembles just a little and I have to adjust myself in my seat, "you not here by yourself, right?"

"Naw, my girls are around here somewhere." I glance in every direction except for the spots I know they're in.

"And they left you all by yourself." He shakes his head and the light reflects off of his waves.

"What's going to happen at a Dj Speech event?" with his punk ass.

"Shit, you right." He laughs.

          The conversation pauses when one of his bodyguards bends to whisper in his ear and I take this as my chance to scope. The first thing I notice is the thin ruby ring on his pinky finger then the diamond cufflinks, he's wearing one earring, a cross with a diamond at the bottom and that's where the jewelry stops. I'm about to get up and leave when I notice the key fob sticking out of his pocket. I looks like Net's little bullet but the red bugatti logo has my palm itching. It's just sitting in his pocket, one more movement and it'll be on the cushions of this ugly ass gold couch but he'll probably notice by then.

          I quickly down my champagne and pretend to be looking for another waiter but my eyes are scanning the crowd for Mor. I find her and Garvy by the bar already taking glances in my direction. I pull at the hair that's resting against my neck and, in peripheral, I see Mor grab a drink and head our way. Terrell's bodyguard takes a few steps back and he turns back to me.

"What's your name?"

"Chi." the song changes and I begin to rock in my seat.

This is my fuckin song.

"Chi?" He slips from his flute.

"Just Chi."

"That's kind of sexy." he grins and scoots closer.

          I fake a laugh and put my head down. To him I'm blushing but I'm just checking to see if the damn key is still in place. It is. Mor is at least fifteen away when he reaches his arm around me and grabs a handful of my ass. Now, I've had a hand on my ass many times before, I like the feel of it, who the fuck doesn't? But with that move the fob silently falls on the couch and a new plan clicks into my head. It's gonna be sloppy as fuck but I need to get that damn key before he notices it. So, right now, Terrell doesn't need to know how his big hands are making me real fuckin horny.

"Nigga, are you stupid?" he's so close that when I drop my hand it falls right on top of my target. I close my fist around it and stand up.

"Don't put your fuckin hands on me again." I leave him there looking stupid as hell and rush out of his section. I search for Mor but I can't find her so I just keep going.

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