Chapter 1

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Y/N pov.
I woke up from alarm clock. Got dressed and wwnt to Chae's room.

"Wake up unnie" I said. "I don't want to go" she said with her sleepy voice.
"We will be late" I said while going out from her room.

I started cooking us briekfast. I placed briekfast on the table and waited for Chae. There finally after 10 minutes she comes donwstairs.

"Thanks unnie" she said while eating.

When we finally done eating briekfast we went to school.

~Time Skip~

We were walking in hallway. But then.
We saw them.

"Oh hello there" Jisoo said with ger evil voice. "What do tou want?" I asked. She came near me and punched me in the eye. "Are you okay?!" Chae asked my nervously. "Yes" I answerd and covered my eye with hair.

We went to class. But the worst thing I sat next to Lisa. She is annoying. I didn't focused in class.

"Y/N what's the answer" teacher asked."12" someone wispered. "Um 12" I answered. I looked around. Then my eyes looked at Lisa and she smiled. What she helped me?! No way! But her smile is cute tho...

~Time Skip~

Unnie Chae felt sick so she went home. So now I am sitting all aline at lunch time. While I was eating someone sat next to me. I looked who it was. It was Lisa?!

"Hey" she said. I looked more at her. "I am sorry for being bad to you these years and I want to be your friend " Lisa started to blush. "Well you can be my friend" I answered and blushed. We started talking. We spent whole time at school together.

Lisa's pov.
Finally I can be closer to her. Y/N is so cute and beautiful. I just can'y stop blushing around her.

"Hey Lisa" Y/N spoke "Do you want to live with me?". "Sure!"I said smilling.

We went to her house. Y/N opened the door. I walked in and my eyes met Rosé's.

Y/N pov.
"What is he doing here?!" Chae yelled. "Calm down" I said "Let me explain everything".

Hope you liked the story.

I promise write longer stories.


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