Home.. - Part 13

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The flight was so awkward with Smarty.. I didn't know what to say.. Maybe I should just avoid him.. How am I meant to do that? WE LIVE TOGETHER!

I sighed sitting on my bed trying not to cry as I watched Felix chasing his tail.

"You own that..." He stopped looking up at me, I knew he didn't understand but sometimes I wish he did.. But he wouldn't agree with my pain.. he would call me the idiot that I was..

I got up walking to the kitchen, on the way I passed Smarty's room

"I'm leaving.." I heard his voice crack

"I have too.. it wont be a fun Derp Crew if I stay"

"I don't care if I was here before her! she deserves it more..." 

"Okay.. talk soon then"

I heard him take off his headset, that's when I ran to the kitchen throwing my head in the fridge trying to find something.


I spun around in my chair while staring at the ceiling. Smarty wants to leave because of what happened between Amber and him.. But he doesn't want to kick her out as she "deserves" this more.. I inboxed everyone else. 

Ze - Smarty is leaving

Chilled - NO! He isn't allowed

Tom - If he leaves, I leave

Galm - GODDAMIT SMARTY! wait.. if he leaves I can't say that anymore... 

Chilled - If it's cause of the Amber/Dlive thing I'll talk to him.. It wasn't her choice

Tom, Galm, Ze - Huh?!

Chilled - Dlive and her had a thing at the start of Pax, he was a complete jerk! then the day we left he pushed himself onto her in front of Smarty and I


Chilled - GUYS! It wasn't her fault!

Galm - She hurt our baby!

I sighed throwing my phone on my bed.. So.. what are we meant to do?.. Chilled was on Amber's side and Tom was on Smarty's side... Actually Tom just seems like he wants out.. That left Galm and I in the middle.. 


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Cya xx

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