Chapter 2

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(5 days later)
Ginny's P.O.V.
I walk into the burrow and place my luggage to one side.

"We're finally home." I smile, breathing in the familiar scent of my childhood. Harry's arm wraps around my waist as he guides me into the kitchen.

"I'm going to make lunch."I state grabbing a pan out the cupboard and rading the kitchen for any possible meal choices. Harry searches through the cupboards while I try and find something in the fridge. All I manage to find is a packet of chocolate and a jar of pickles.

"Find anything?" I ask Harry.

"Yeah, there are some chips in here." He says pointing to the cupboard he's searching in. "And there should be a few boxes of pasta in the cupboard over there." He says nodding towards the cupboard next to me.

I open the cupboard next to me and put a pan of pasta onto boil while doing so Harry finds a packet of tomatoe sauce and pours it into another pan.

"I love you." Harry says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you to." I whisper turning around to face him. He cups my cheeks and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I want to be with you forever Ginny."

"Me too." I say pulling him in for a hug.

"I mean it Gin', I will never stop loving you." He whispers into my ear.

"Me neither." I say as I place a kiss on his lip. We pull apart but Harry soon places his lips on mine again. He runs his hands along my back while I run mine through his hair. I hear someone cough and we both seperate and turn to see Ron standing in front of us.

"What is this?" He asks, a shocked look on his face.

"It's me and Harry, Ron." I state, hoping he doesnt over react like always.

"I thought you two were over." He says his voice starting to raise.

"I love her Ron, I could never let her go." Harry looks at me before turning to Ron.

"I thought you said it was too dangerous, why are you doing this Harry?!"

"Ron, Voldemorts dead." I laugh before turning to Harry only to see that his expression hasn't changed.

"Ron, I'll protect her. You know that." I look at how serious he is and suddenly realise that something must be going on.

"What is there that you have to protect  me from Harry?" He looks at me and frowns.

"You haven't even told her!" Ron yellls.

"What is it?" I ask Harry.

"As you know, we killed Voldemort. But everyone else got away. The ministry sent an owl yesterday asking if we would be willing to track them down and send them to Azkaban."

"What has this got to do with me?" I ask, confused as to how I could be involved with something like this.

"Well, since they all are probably working together, once they find out that me and you are together they might use you to defeat me once and for all." He frowns before wrapping his hand around mine.

"I don't care." I say looking at Harry, who in his defence seemed quite shocked.

"What?" He asks.

"You said we were in this together, nothing can stand in our way Harry." He pulls me in for  a hug.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise."

"Ginny!" Ron screams, frustrated by my decision.

"I can't Ron. My life's nothing without him."

"Fine." Ron storms out of the room with out another glance.

I laugh and kiss his cheek before surving up the pasta.

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