Rose Garden

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The man was running through the dark. His mud brown hair was snagged by a wayward branch a wave of pain clobbered through his scalp he saw stars in his vermilion eyes as he slowly dragged himself up from the mucky ground.

“By the gods” the man moaned as pain ignited in his head which felt like sludge the man leaned against a near by tree “probably the one that hit me” thought the man. Distress flashed across his face as he franticly tore through his pants pockets his hands clasped around a gray envelop and relief shined through his face and echoed in his eyes.

“Thought I lost it” the man sighed. A menacing snarl reverberated off the trees and fear flashed across the mans face it was made evident that the man in that moment had remembered why he was running in the first place and shot through the trees like a rocket the envelop firmly clasped to his blood stained shirt.

A door soon came into view “yes almost there” thought the man as he flung open the door the envelop at that precise moment flew from his hands and landed on the floor “dammed letter um what are the words oh right Trenglefel flew” the letter vanished in a beam of light “now me um…” there was a crash and wood flew past the man “by the gods a griffin” screamed the man as a talon wrapped itself around him.

The building was eerily silent after that suddenly a small cat crawled out from under an over turned chair  all its fur was standing on end “ Trenglefel flew I do to” said the cat and it to vanished  a single strand of  forest green fur drifted to the floor where the cat had been leaving the house perfectly silent.   

Chapter1 (the letter)


…5 years later…

Rick was shocked when he got a letter in the mail it had in big letters urgent so of course Rick Shifter opened it he pulled  out a letter. “Dear; Mr. Shifter, your brother Shape has gone missing although this is a tragic bit of news your brother in his will has left you and your family everything his house his land and his money have been signed over to you  for the will stated in the event of my death or mysterious disappearance I leave everything to Rick.

“Drake, Sue, Amy you wont believe it” said Rick as he came into the small house “what is it dad” asked Sue who was 13 “yes dear” said Amy as she walked in “dad what’s happening?” asked Drake

“you all remember Shape my brother” said Rick as he ran his hand through his midnight black hair.

“Ya” they all chimed “well that sly dog left us everything” beamed Rick.

“Uncles dead” cried Drake who always liked when Shape came to visit he always brought the coolest things and would tell the best stories. 

Suddenly everyone was crying “wow hold up he isn’t dead he has just vanished that’s all he is probably fine” said Rick that seemed to cheer Drake up.

“We should leave tonight” said Amy so they did. They all piled into the indigo VW beetle and headed for Shapes house “the map states his house is right past Ariel a small town in the mountains “that’s a funny name for a town” Sue.

But just then the most amazing sight meet there eyes a huge mansion had risen out of the woods it did not take long to locate the drive way and soon the car was parked in front of the house everyone gaped up at it “well um… heare we are” said Rick the kids shot out of the car like bullets and ran straight for the house.

A man opened the door for them “good evening” he said the kids pushed past him to look inside “wow dear are own care taker” said Amy “ya I know dear this place is amazing” said Rick as he grabbed some boxes and took them inside. As soon as Rick set down the boxes his kids were there “dad can we look around out side” said Sue “ya added” Drake “sure kids don’t wonder too far and be careful.

The kids were gone before he even turned around. The yard was a giant forest and you had to tread through tall grass the kids were laughing and having a good time when a strange forest green plant caught  there eyes “it looks just like a cats tail” said Sue suddenly the strange plant began to move “lets follow it” said Drake Sue agreed every time they might catch up to it the green thing would speed up. Finally they reached a clear spot in the woods they gasped when they saw a green cat sitting in front of a building.

“It is a green cat” said Sue suddenly the cat darted inside the building the kids got closer “it says rest rooms” giggled Drake.

“Why would a green cat or any cat for that mater run into a rest room?” asked Sue “maybe he had to go” said Drake the kids  laughed and stared at the door  it had a picture of a boy and girl holding hands on it Sue pushed the door open and dragged Drake in after her the room was not what they expected the room had couches and beds it had a lab top and a big screen TV Drake flopped down on a big leather sofa “now this is what I call a rest room” said Drake.

“Don’t you find this a little strange” stated Sue “no why sis obviously our dear uncle liked his peace and quite” said Drake as he reached for the remote just then the cat jumped up on the sofa and as it did something fell to the floor Sue picked it up “Hay Drake look at this it is a letter” said Sue as a gleam appeared in her aqua eyes “what is it?” asked Drake as he petted the cat “it is a letter to us from uncle” said Sue “well don’t just stand there open it” said Drake this is what it said Dear Sue, Drake I new you would find this letter inside are step by step instructions on how to find me as well as a map follow them carefully

1. Go to rest room I suppose Forester has already lead you there

2. Get supplies

3. Don’t tell your parents what you are doing

4.   Go to closet  

5. Repeat the following words Trenglfel flew I or we will to depending on who all is going

6. Take out map you should be at the place marked the cottage

7.  The Pegasus’s are wise but I fear they may all be dead but the wisest of all are the dragons I would say try them first if you ever want to find me

8. To get back home repeat #6 at a dimensional rift spot like the cottage I only know of the one

    P.S. don’t take to long   

A map fell out from behind the note “cool” said Drake “this is stupid are uncle must be crazy to think that anyone would believe this crazy story” said Sue “aw Sue we could at least give it a try it could be fun” said Drake with a grin on his face.

“I don’t know we should think about it and talk it over amongst our selves the kids ran back to the house for three days they had been discussing the whole thing now Drake had already packed more then enuf supplies and hid them in the rest room he was just waiting on his sister finally she agreed and they ran to the room.

Sue was surprised that Drake packed so many supplies he even packed two fishing polls Drake if it dose not work then we won’t need all that” said Sue “ya but if it dose we will” said Drake so the children grabbed the stuff and went into the closet with it “ok here goes

Rose Garden Part one of adventures in TrenglWhere stories live. Discover now