Zero ruler of Fellonja

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Chapter 3 Zero ruler of Fellonja

 “Someone is coming” said Bite “get down!” yelled Étagère as he pushed Sue and Drake to the ground. Suddenly three people appeared out of thin air “vermilions” whispered Forester to them “huh who or what are vermilions “Shape said they were vampire’s blood drinkers they live in Vermilion and are realy strong” whispered Forester. “we where in the area” said one of the vampires “when we saw the fire” said a female vampire “I want a closer look at them” whispered Drake as he started crawling toured the group “get back here Drake it is to dangerous” whispered Sue from her hiding place behind a crate Drake was realy close to the vampires and shifters now he was right behind a tent. The third vampire looked younger then the others and just stood ther right in the middle of the others like they were his body guards “we wanted to know if anyone needed help” said the female vampire “no we are good” said Bite “I see you are bandits” said the male vampire “yes” growled Étagère “then you know that you have to give us some of your goods for us to allow you safe passage” said the man “or elts we will have to take you straight to jail for stealing” said the female. Suddenly the male vampire diapered and reappeared right behind Drake he grabbed Drake then reappeared right were he had been before “look what I found” said the vampire “let me go!” yelled Drake. “What is your name?” asked the female “Drake now let me go” said Drake “a dragon name” said the vampire that held Drake what do I do I could try to shift and save him thought Sue “well I think we will take him unless anyone objects” laughed the female Sue shifted she had black wolf ears and a black wolf tail at least I will blend in thought Sue as she jumps out from behind the crate “let my brother go” growled Sue. Drake stared at his sister and blinked “hay sis” he said finally “Drake is your brother” said the younger vampire who had been silent up until now he stared intently at Sue “Ya I wouldn’t be so pissed if he wasn’t” said Sue “what is your name?” asked the middle vampire “Sue now will you let him go” said Sue “sure we can let him go but you have to shift into a wolf first prove that you are a wolf shifter” said the middle vampire “um… ok but first tell me your name” said Sue all the vampires blinked like it was unusual for anyone to ask a vampire its name. “Darker” said Darker “huh your name is Darker” said Sue “yup it fits me” said Darker Forester looked at Sue with a look that said this is bad. “ok here goes” said Sue she focuses wolf and then she begins to change there is a red hot energy around her then it is gone Sue opens here eyes and looks right at the vampires she growls “vampire scum” she thinks as she charges at Darker she leaps into the air dodging the female vampire she could here the others yelling at her to stop Foresters voice was in her head “Sue you are a wolf there is no need to attack them” she lounged  at  Darker then the male vampire appeared in front of her he was no longer holding Drake so he must have put Drake down to try and stop her. She ducked under his legs he didn’t think she would do that and missed when he tried to grab her. She leaped into the air and did a summer salt she knocked over Darker and clamps her jaws on his right arm. Every one gasps all except Darker who was laughing Sue felt his blood drip into her mouth the blood tasted good Sue let go of him and stepped back shaking her head “what happened where am I am I a wolf yet” she looked around why is everyone staring at me she looked in front of her and sees Darker he is covered in blood and is holding his right arm Sue wines I didn’t mean to hurt him oh is he ok there is so much I don’t think he is dead maybe I should get him some help Sue shakes her head then howls. Darker stood up and touched her head with his left hand “I am fine this is nothing to me there is no need to call any wolves to help me” he whispered in her ear. The other tow vampires where behind her suddenly Sue became nervous maybe scared she turned around and looked at the vampires they did not seem happy they went to grab her she crouched down and growled the vampires baked up the female stepped closer Sue snapped at her. She hissed “look you wretched bitch you just bit the vampire prince you have some explaining to do” said the women Sue cocked her head to the side huh vampire prince dose she mean Darker? Thought Sue as she shifted back she extended her hand to Darker to help him “sorry” said Sue she was aware that she still had wolf ears and a wolf tail and heard Foresters sigh of relief. Suddenly some one hit Sue and she was knocked onto the ground then in a flash Darker was standing in front of her hissing at the women who was clearly the one who had hit her. “are you ok” said Darker as he extended his arm to her to help her up “ya I think so” said Sue as she took his hand he poled her up “sorry about Cle Anne she is my guard and acts before she thinks” said Darker “huh but I bit you doesn’t that give her a reason to hit me” said Sue “no it doesn’t if you had killed me or badly hurt me then yes it would have but you didn’t Anne doesn’t understand I don’t think you do either I will have to explain this to you latter when there are less witnesses see you latter Sue” said Darker he waved his hand and all the vampires vanished. “what the hell where you thinking” said Bite Sue turned back toured them looking like her self “I don’t think I was in control” said Sue “clearly you bit a vampire not just any vampire the prince” said Forester “you are crazy” said Étagère “that was so cool” said Drake everyone glared at him “hay you got to admit that was cool the way she dogged the other vampires and just that amazing leap and biting him she was awesome oh thanks for saving me sis” said Drake they nodded remembering the whole thing “I agree with Drake awesome” said the coyote boy “yes no one has ever openly attacked the vampire prince before” said the fox women “it still was stupid he could have killed you it is a miracle that he didn’t” said Forester “ we shouldn’t blame her think about the form she took she was an all black wolf with red eyes and well that kind of wolf has territorial rage when a vampire enters its territory it attacks it cant help it” said Bite. “Lets head out” said Forester “on to Fellonja” said Drake they came over a hill right as the sun began to rise and there it was a huge city towers rose up into the sky they shined in strange colors casting rainbows on the smaller buildings. “It is beautiful” said Sue “this is where we leave you” said Bite as him and Étagère ran back into the forest “aw I wish they could have stayed” said Drake “ya” said Sue “you better make your self wolf like again” said Forester “oh right” said Sue as her ears and tail appeared again. “Come on I want you to meet my family and my brother Zero” said Forester as he led them down the street Forester stops at an empty field “huh the house is gone” said Forester “hay you three” said tow solders as they approached the group “yes” asked Sue “we don’t talk to wolves” hissed the guard “that is not vary nice” said Drake but the solders just stared at Forester “are you Forester” asked one of the solders “yes and they are my friends so I would suggest being a little nicer to them” said Forester “terribly sorry we did not mean to be rude you are requested at the palace” said the solder “huh me wanted at the palace what is this about” asked Forester “plese follow us” said the solders. “Well come on guys lets go to the palace maybe they know what happened to my house” said Forester as they walked toured the palace cat shifters stared at them as they passed by Sue gasped when she saw the huge castle looming in front of them “plese wait in the entrance hall” said the solders as they ran off up a flight of stairs “so Forester what do you think this is all about?” asked Drake “I don’t know when I left Fellonja to work with your uncle Scar was king of Fellonja and he ruled with an iron fist during his rule many shifters were sacrificed to the grate chimera in order to keep peace in the lands or so the king said. There could be a new king any cat shifter is aloud to challenge kings to a clan battle of leadership many tried to beat Scar but none had succeeded” said Forester “that is just grate so we don’t know why we were summoned here and as far as you know the king could still be a tyrant that sacrifices people” said Sue “well ya but I am sure it is nothing to worry about” said Forester “Forester” yelled a mans voice drawing everyone’s attention to the stair case "Zero I cant believe it is you” said Forester as he bowed “I have been searching all of Trengl for you” said Zero Sue and Drake starred at the guy he looked like an older Forester “thank you for bringing my brother here safely there are many people who would want to hurt him” said Zero “um… Zero what are you talking about” asked Forester “Forester I am king of Fellonja you do know what that means don’t you” said Zero “I am part of the ruling family” said Forester “ha more then that I named you my second in command you’re a king of Fellonja” said Zero “oh um… I don’t know what to say” said Forester “you don’t have to say anything now if you will follow me I will show you to your room” said Zero they all fallowed Zero down the hall as he talked “well you see not long after you left to study with that explorer Shape mom and dad were picked to be sacrificed to the chimera I couldn’t let that happen so I challenged the king for rule of Fellonja as is customary I got to chose the form of the combat I chose tiger to tiger as you well know I take the form of a saber tooth  tiger and am the best at tiger fighting unfortunately Scar got to chose the territory we would fight on the battle was fought on the frozen tundra in the middle of winter it was a long and hard fight but I one and became the ruler pretty cool huh” said Zero “ya that is awesome” said Forester who did not sound as excited as his brother about the whole thing “wow sis this place is huge” said Drake “ya you could get lost in here” said Sue as she examined a painting “wow Drake look it is uncle Shape” said Sue Drake looked at the painting “your right and look there’s Forester he is a lot younger in this painting who are the other people” asked Drake “I don’t know we will ask Forester later” said Sue “ok brother what do you think of your room” said Zero Forester almost fell over “it is huge” he finally said “I will leave you to change for super I expect you to be warring proper attire” said Zero he started to walk down the hall then suddenly he seamed to pos “one more thing keep your guards in check I don’t want them creating truble especially the wolf  one more thing the leader of the vampires and his son will be joining us for dinner” said Zero as he left. “ok who votes to get out of here” said Drake “I do” said Forester “wow guys stop we have to stay or at least for a little while Forester don’t you want to know why your brother is meeting with the leader of the vampires about” asked Sue “well I have to admit I would like to know about that” said Drake “me to Sue my brother must be up to something” said Forester. “right” agreed Drake and Sue “ok I will be right out in my king outfit” said Forester he was gone for a few minutes then he opened the door “how do I look” he asks Sue and Drake just stair at him “not bad but the pants could use some work they look like clown pants” said Drake “ya Drake is right the pants look silly” laughed Sue “gee thanks guys” said Forester hanging his head in defeat “hay cheer up you’re a king” said Drake “ya kings are supposed to pretend to be happy at least” said Sue “I just want to get out of here I never liked nobles” said Forester “well looks like you will be joining your brother for lunch first” said Drake as they entered the grate hall “helow brother join me for lunch and I will explain to you what you have missed on your trips” said Zero “this should be interesting” said Drake as they sat down “so what have I missed” asked Forester “well as you know the terror birds have always had issues with us a year ago they declared war it was a long year for everyone well by some good fortune we one and now Terror bird city is under Fellonja’s rule tomorrow morning brother you will be escorted to Terror bird city and will take your place on the throne” said Zero. “What?” gasped Forester? “I know it is a lot to take in but I need someone to keep toughs birds under control and you Forester you are perfect for this with your ability to become the tow headed tiger you will easily be able to keep order what do you say” asked Zero “um… I will have to think about it” said Forester “well you have until tomorrow now if you will excuse me I have important maters I must attend to” said Zero as he hastily left “well that was a lot to take in” said Drake “ya” said Sue “I cant believe it some of my closest friends were bird shifters” said Forester as they headed back to Foresters room “oh Forester before we forget that painting in the hall with our uncle in it what can you tell us about it” asked the kids “huh oh that was painted after your uncle united all the kingdoms in peace and taught us all English not long after Trengl was united the vampires came from across the blood sea your uncle tried to make peace with them we where returning to the cabin when a griffin took him” said Forester “cool” said Drake “a griffin” said Sue “ya there rare” said Forester when they reached his room Forester opened the door and everyone gasped the whole room was trashed furniture was smashed and shirts, pants, and jackets were tossed all around the room a note sat in the middle of the room it read “Forester leave now with your life” “well time to go” said Forester as he started packing all there provisions back into the bags “wow we cant leave yet we have to find out who did this you’re a king now Forester you cant just run away” said Drake “yes I can haven’t you heard the saying scare d cat that’s me I am out of here one warning is enuf I am gone” said Forester “pole your self together you are a king whether you like it or not and as a king you must do what ever it takes to protect your kingdom” said Sue. “Ok you win I will sit on my fear” said Forester “good” said both the kids “now lets look for clues” said Drake “um… ok” said Forester “I got it sis you can become a wolf and sniff for clues” said Drake “bad idea when she is a wolf she looks just like how vampires look when there in wolf form an all black wolf with red eyes we would not want to freak anyone out “well a wolf has a stronger sense of smell then us she might smell who trashed your room” said Drake “well ok I guess we could give it a try” said Forester “ok sis” said Drake Sue was already changing she smiled as she shook her fur and sniffed the room she could smell Forester his brother Zero and she cot her sent and Drakes sent she continued to sniff she had it an other sent she followed it to the door “come on he went this way” said Sue in there heads Forester and Drake chased after her as she raced down the hall. She was right on the trail when she turned a corner and froze a boy was standing on a ledge he had blue hair she looked at his feet they were bird talons. “caught you” growled Sue the bird kid turned his head and looked at her “a wolf here you’re a long way from home” said the bird boy “and you trashed my friends room” I growled at him I looked behind me where are toughs tow I thought they were right behind me thought Sue she lunged toured the bird but he was already shifted he laughed as he flew off Sue growled out the window as she watched the little blue eyed raven fly away. Suddenly Forester and Drake appeared around the corner “where were you slow because of your slowness he got away” growled Sue as she started walking back and fourth in front of the window. “sorry Sue some big guy stoped us in the hall back there and asked us what we were doing in this hall we had to explain the whole thing before he would let us through” said Forester. Sue just growled out the window “the blue eyed raven is long gone by now” she finally said as she darted passed them “come on guys lets clean up the room” she added they followed her as she trotted down the hall “um… Sue you should probably turn back now” said Drake “why” asked Sue “because well we explained this before you shifted and what if you catch the scent of a vampire we don’t need you going crazy again” said Forester “but I like it like this I can move around more easily and there are so many sights sounds and smells you should try it some time Drake” said Sue “ya when I figure out what I can turn into I will” grumbled Drake “we cant let anyone see her like this cat shifters don’t like wolves they could attack her” said Forester “then what do we do lock her in your room till she decides to turn back” said Drake “I guess we will have to we cant have her mess up my brothers dinner plans as fun as that will be to do we cant” said Forester “ok but she is not going to like this” said Drake Sue ran ahead of them and straight into the room Forester grabbed the door and closed it behind her and locked it “sorry Sue you can stay here for diner till you decide to turn back “hay let me out” said Sue as she listened to the other side of the door she heard Forester and Drake walck away there leaving me here toughs jerks and after all I have done for them thought Sue as she started pawing at the door “let me out!” she yelled but no one came to the door how dare they lock me up it is not my fault that I get a little out of control I mean you would to if you saw a vampire right  you would ya you would bite that blood drinker to thought Sue suddenly she froze that’s a strange smell it smells like wolves thought Sue as she sniffed under the door. “Hay let me out!” yelled Sue at the door she heard what sounded like several people stop outside her door “ya let me out” said Sue the foot steps had stoped right in front of the door she could barley hear the voices on the other end “there is a wolf in there” said one voice “ ya I know she came with that cat” growled another voice “shouldn’t we help her” said another voice “no we have a job to do lets just leave her” said a female voice “Luna is right pups we cant risk discovery we have a job to do” said the wolf that new I had came here with Forester I suddenly became desperate I could here them leaving I through back my head and howled I was so happy when I heard the wolves outside my door again the door opened and I was staring at a white wolf with green eyes behind him was a brown wolf with yellow eyes then a red wolf with black eyes and finally the female a light green wolf with dark green eyes. I took a step closer to them and they backed up a bit the girl actually growled at me “she looks like how the vampires do when they take an animal form all black with red eyes how do we know she is a wolf” wined the brown wolf “we don’t” said Luna the red wolf stepped forward “hiy I am Red Vice” said Red “I am moon beam” said the white wolf “I am truble” said the brown wolf “and as you know I am Luna” said Luna “and you are” said the others “Sue” I said “that’s a weird name for a wolf” said Luna. “well Sue stay close we have a job to do we have to find out why the vampires are meeting with the cat shifters” said Moon beam “ok” I said as I followed them down the hall we made it to the dining hall I could see Forester and Drake sitting at the table next to Zero on the other side sat Darker and an older vampire not that you could realy tell how old they are just by looking at them. “We need to get a little closer” said Red Vice we snuck closer to the table then one by one we crawled under it all except for Luna and Truble they stayed in the hall to worn us if there was truble. We could hear them realy well here “we already have the dragons on are side and the snakes” said the vampire “yes but will it be enuf to expand our empire?” asked Zero “yes if we have some help from the cat shifters with your help we should be able to take the wolves and werewolves down” said the vampire “the dragons, snakes, cats, and vampires are going to attack us” whispered Moon beam “that sucks” I whisper. “Then it is settled we attack in a week” said Zero “we have to get out of here” said Red Vice as we crawled for the door I turned around to look back at the table when someone grabbed me “hay let me go” I growl the other wolves are staring at me I struggle in the guys grip he is holding me realy tightly I can barley breath I gasp when the arms suddenly become coils of a snake a python I was wrapped up in a pythons deadly coils I thought as the air was being forced out of me I could see the other wolves fighting to save me biting the snake “no run worn the wolves” I wined at them they nodded and took off down the hall the snake was squeezing tighter and tighter it hurt to breath I was done for or was I this snake was realy starting to tick me off the red hot energy washed over my skin again in little waves it loosened the snake just enuf I could yell for help I looked around there was no one in the room they were all some where elts the wolves were gone Drake and Forester were gone Zero was gone the vampires were not gone though they were near by just down the hall I could smell them I don’t know why I decided to call to them I don’t like vampires not one bit sort of like hate at first sight but I like Darker a little any way so I would call to him “Darker help!” I wined my breath was being squeezed and then I could breath again I looked up at him Darker he came he could have left me but he came then all went dark.

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