Character Submission Winners

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Hey guys! Firstly I want to say thank you so much to everyone who took the time to create a character to enter into this contest, even if you didn't really stray too far from yourself when creating your character - there's absolutely no shame in that and I'm just glad you wanted to be a part of one of my stories! There were 9 submissions total and I chose 3 winners by putting all 9 usernames into a random generator website and going with the first 3 names it chose. The winners are:




Thank you again for everyone who put in submissions! I will be in touch with the winners to get some more information from you guys as I continue writing and questions/ideas pop up, so don't be surprised if you see messages from me in the near future. I also think that since right now it's looking like this story will end up being about 6 chapters, and there were only 3 winners out of the 9 who entered, it will work out well for me to dedicate each chapter to someone who put in a submission but didn't win. I also want to try to give every character submission a cameo in the story, even if they don't have a main part, so I promise all of you will be included in some way! 

I have each chapter planned and have already started writing, but now that I have more characters settled I can really get started on this thing. Again, thanks for your participation and be on the look out for an actual cover (the current one is temporary clearly lol) and the first chapter in the near future :)

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