The Start

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Once upon a time there was a king and queen. Their names? King Solar and Queen Aisha Galaxy. Together they both had two beautiful daughters. The oldest they named Sunny. Her hair was a soft pink that slowly faded into a beautiful golden color. Her eyes a lovely shade of gold and skin seemed to be permanently kissed by the sun. She could raise the sun and lighten any room she stepped into. She could also bring the plants to life at her will. The youngest was named Luna. Her hair flowed with nothing but grace and seemed to hold only the most brightest stars from the night sky. The midnight blue faded into the lightest baby blue. She held even more stars in her navy blue eyes and her skin as the moon itself. She matched her sister by being able to raise the moon and some different things.From a young age she was able to control and use the shadows around her. Sometimes for good and innocent things like getting a cookie when told not too, but some not so good. This power did scare her so her father gave her gloves with the power to cancle out that magic till she trained herself to control it. Last, she could also control dreams; change them if one was having a nightmare or she could do the opposite if she wished. 

Both of the princesses at a young age did everything together. They played together, rode horses together and even took monthly trips to the ophange with their mother. But everything changed as soon as Sunny turned sixteen and Luna thirteen. It was Luna's birthday, December twenty-fourth, when their parents announced which of them would get the throne next. Both of them stood with their parents like told to, but the outcome isn't what Luna was hoping for. Sunny was to be crowned as the next Queen. Then Luna's party turned into Sunny's party within a snap of a finger. Luna snuck away, saddness and hurt deep in her heart. She moved over to the South Wing, the part of the cattle nobody really went to, and climbed into the tallest tower. There she stood on the snowy balcony looking up at her beautiful moon, and there is also where she met her best friend/shadow butler William. The talk was short at first but after he explained everything she slowly started to understand why he was there. He kneeled in front of her and removed one of the gloves as he held her hand softly in his, "My princess, you will be our queen one day. Your people are waiting for you to return to your place." And for the first time since the news she found herself smiling. She didn't know what the world she would soon walk into held for her but she was excited for what it had to offer. 

Across the river in an old abandon kingdom there was a little village of people that came together after the loss of their royal family. One family was head of the small village and that family was the Johnson's. David and Kimberly Johnson and three strong and handsome sons. The oldest was Leo, who's looks favored his mother. He had bright blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and tan skin. The middle child Jackson favored both parents with his brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin. Last, the youngest child Mika favored his father with his brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin and the freckles that went across his cheeks and nose to his ears and then moved down his neck. The family was happy and expecting another. Their mother was over joyed to know that this time they would be having a girl, but sadly that dream was cut short when a bad snow storm came through and she got deathly sick. While sick she had a miscarriage and lost the baby. Mika and his brother's were saddened by the lost of the baby and promised their mother that they would love her even more to make up for the one that is resting in the clouds. She was over joyed once again, but with pride this time. She looked at her three boys who sat at her bedside and said one thing they would never forget, "Listen to me here and now. When you three find the girl that makes your heart skip and your mind blank treat her just as you treat me. No mater if she is poor or royal. She is the one the Gods have made just for you to love. Never brake her heart." They all nodded and looked at each other. She looked at Mika and smiled, "And my Mika, I know your love is to be someone important. You were born under the prettiest full moon so i know the girl they made for you will be filled with beauty and grace." Mika blinked as he blushed softly and his brother's chuckled watching as he scratched he back of his head, "Oh momma...if you say so." She smiled and watched her three boys run out to play. Becasue after all they are just boys. 

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