New Home, New People

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The road was long and the night air was cool as it hit my face. My moon shone bright and high in the sky as we moved closer and closer to the castle where I would now be staying. As soon as we stopped in front of the castle a small crowd of people gathered around to see. I took a breath as William moved my cloak hood up and smiled, "Just for now." I nodded and kept my head down as William moved out and helped me out. As I stepped down a few whispers were heard around the crowd. I moved my head up a little and then out of nowhere I made eye contact with a young man around my age. Our eyes stayed like that for a minute till I disappeared behind the castle door and it closed. I took a breath as William looked at me, "I have to go finish getting guards rounded up and trained to protect you. Go ahead and explore the castle. Your room in the whole top floor." I nodded and moved my hood down and walked off as I looked around. 

After a few hours I made it up to my room and showered getting dressed in long sweats and a tank top. I braided my still wet hair as I walked to the window looking out at the balcony. I smiled and moved out on the balcony under my moon and smiled looking around at the little village that I now was the queen over. I took a breath and looked up at the moon as I played with the necklace a little, "I'll make you proud Grandpa. I promise." I turned and walked inside as I grabbed a blanket wrapping it around myself and walked out of my room to go explore more of the castle while the night was still young. 

Mika's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it. I actually caught the princess's eye. She looked at me. AT ME! My father soon snapped me out of my mind as we all walked up to the butler that walked the princess in. He smiled as William nodded, "David, if you want you can have your position back as head of the royal guard." My father accepted the butler's request and walked up standing beside him, "I will William. I've been training my son's for this day and I'm happy it has finally come." After talking for a while it was official; my brother's and I were apart of the royal guard and would be helping dad train the other men in the town to help protect our new princess. I wonder what she looks like. If she's pretty. Maybe she's kind and caring. Her eyes were so soft and cooling like the night sky. God I can't start liking her already. I just can't. She's a princess and I'm, well I'm a guard. It would never work out. I sighed as my dad looked at me, "Mika, go ahead and take your brother's on a quick walk of the palace. We need to start developing a pattern to keep the princess safe." I nodded and walked into the castle with my brothers as we all split up patrolling different areas in the castle. I soon came to the library as I heard soft singing from behind the doors. I slowly walked to the door and peeked in seeing a woman in sweats that was wrapped in a blanket running her hands over the books as she was humming. I blinked noticing her eyes. It's her. The princess. God she's beautiful. Her pale skin was almost the same as the moon. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. I went to walk away as I tripped over my own feet and fell into the door as it opened and I fell into the room. Well great. 

Luna's P.O.V.

I jumped a little hearing a thud over by the door of the library I was in. I turned to the door seeing the same handsome man laying in the door way. I walked over and kneeled down, "Are...Are you okay?" I watched as his perfect chocolate brown eyes opened and stared into my night sky blue ones. A light blush crawled over his cheeks as he went to say something. I smiled and stood up putting my hand out to him, "Come on, I'm sure these floors aren't that clean." He smiled a little and took my hand as he cleared his throat, "M-My name is Mika, my lady." I watched as he bows. I smiled, "Luna. It's nice to meet you." I smiled and moved his head up and looked at his eyes again, "And please don't bow to me if it's just you and me in a room. It's kinda weird." He nodded softly and I watched his eyes follow me as I walked around the library. I smiled over at him, "So are you like a servant or??" He cleared his throat and ran his fingers though his hair, "I'm the guard captain's son." I nodded and smiled as I looked at him our eyes connecting again. I looked over to the window seeing the sun start to come up, "I have to go set the moon, but hopefully I'll see you tomorrow night Mika." I went to walk pass him and smiled up at him as I walked back up to my room as I giggled. He is cute. And if I'm right, he's who grandpa was talking about. He's the boy I met as a child. Mika, I wonder if you remember me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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