Royals are back?

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Mika's P.O.V. 

I was outside with my brother's and father cutting wood when two carriages pulled up outside the old castle that was near the house. We all stopped what we were doing to watch as a group of women and men got out of the two marriages. A man stood in front of them and clapped his hands together, "Listen up! We have to get this castle clean, fixed and warm for the princess the council is moving here for the shadow people and the night livers. We have only three weeks. Stick to your tasks and let's get this done!" They all nodded and soon hurried into the castle to start their work. Leo hummed and looked at our father, "A princess is coming? Do you think she's gonna bring a king here?" Our father sighed and looked at us, "I don't know. The last princess did and he ended being crazy and killing her and himself. So I really hope she doesn't." Jackson chuckled a little, "Yeah, hopefully not. Mika go tell mom the news." I sighed and nodded as I turned to walk inside taking some already cut firewood with me. After getting inside and setting it down I walked over to my mother, who was cooking diner and smiled, "Momma there's news." As she looked over she hummed waiting for me to continue. I pushed my brown hair back out of my eyes as I continued, "A royal is coming back. A princess." She blinked dropping her spoon she was tasting the food with, "Are you serious? A real royal?" I nodded as I picked up the spoon, "Yes momma a real royal." I quickly washed and dried the spoon as I put it back into her hand, "I think dad is going to the neighbors that used to be guards and telling them so they can get the original men back into work." She nodded and smiled, "Maybe you and the boys can become guards too." I chuckled and leaned in the door frame, "Maybe momma. You know violence isn't really my thing." She nodded and smiled, "I know just a thought." 

After I told mom about the news I put my jacket back on and snuck out into the snow covered forest to walk under the moon. For some reason this one seemed brighter and happier then the others. Like it was happy for our village to get a new royal. I continued walking till I got to a piece of land that looked like a small bridge and connected us to the neighboring town. I looked out seeing everyone's homes with no lights and nobody outside. This town was always weird. They all slept at night and played during the day. But it was how their town was ran I guess. Just as I went to turn to go home a light caught my eye. The castle's tallest tower still had it's light on. I looked at it confused as I slowly made my way there. As I got closer I saw a girls figure in the mirror. I couldn't make out any looks or what she was doing but it looked like she was happy and talking to someone. I smiled and shrugged turning around and walking back home. She's a princess that's probably happy about a new dress or a ball or something. Nothing important. 

No One's P.O.V 

As Mika made his way back home he thought no more of the happy female figure he say in the window. But little did he know, that figure was Princess Luna. She was talking happily to William about the move and how she wished the days could go by sooner so she could meet the village. She laughed and smiled moving behind a changing rack so she could change into her pajamas, "The first thing I'm going to do as their princess is throw a big moon festival. I'll get to know my people and your people William. Maybe I can meet your family while we are there." As she walked out in her pajama pants and shirt she moved over to her bed laying down, "Didn't you say you had a daughter?" He smiled and nodded, "Yes I do my princess." As she went to continue speaking he stopped her, "I know your excited but we mustn't let your parents or sister know anything of it yet. So lets continue everything as normal till then." She smiled and nodded moving close to her thousands of pillows, "Goodnight William." William smiled and turned out the lights; he changed into his cat form and curled up at the edge of her bed, "Goodnight my princess. Sweet dreams." 

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