Happy Birthday

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Luna's P.O.V.

I woke up before I had to set the moon, like normal, but something was off. As I sat up I saw this beautiful gown displayed in front of my bed. I got up slowly and walked over to it as William walked over to me from the corner, "Happy Birthday, my princess" I smiled up at him, "Oh William, did you get this for me?" He chuckled and shook his head, "No my wife made it for you. She's excited to meet you tonight." I looked up at him and smiled as he pat my head, "Go set the moon and get ready. This will be your ball dress for tonight. When they time is right councilmen Michael will come up here and excort you down to the ballroom to annouce that it is not just Sunny's congratulations party and your brithday party but it is the party that congraduates you on becoming a queen yourself." I smiled and nodded at the mouth full of words William just said. I walked over and set the moon like normal, but as I did I saw Sunny and Michael outside as she struggled a little to do the sun by herself. I sighed and walked to my bathroom getting a shower quickly. I got dressed in a dark blue dress that hugged what thin figure I had. I've never been one to show off anything. That is all my sister. She's pretty enough to do so with her tan skin. Anyways I sucked it up and put my hair up into a bun and pinned my bangs back with a little crescent moon pin my grandpa gave me for my fifth birthday. Sunny will call it childish but I wear it because I love him and I know he's watching over me. I turned and walked out of the door with William following me in the cat form. Just as I moved out of the South Wing, Michael and Sunny were walking back inside. He stopped mid sentence to look at me, "Luna! Happy Birthday you little star!" I jumped a little but smiled a real smile, "Councilmen Michael, thank you." He walked away from Sunny and over to me looping my arm as we walked to the dining hall leaving Sunny behind, "So I have one present out of three that I want to give to you at breakfast." I looked up at him confused and he chuckled, "All gifts from your grandfather dear." I blinked, "Really?" He nodded as we walked in and my mother smiled. Not at me but at Sunny, "Good morning my little Sunshine." She smiled and sat down as I sat across from her and Michael took the seat next to my father. This will be intereseting. 

As breakfast came to an end Michael stood up, "Okay so since it is Luna's birthday I have a note from the passed king, your father Aisha." My mother blinked as He pulled out a note and started reading, "Dear family, If a councilmen is reading this then it means I have passed on to be with my dear Leah. But I do not leave without giving a few gifts to my youngest granddaught who, by the Gods blessing, shares the same power that I have. Luna, by the time this letter is read you will be turning eightteen and your powers are getting stronger. I have three gifts for you. One you will get in the morning at breakfast and the other two at your birthday party. Different notes to be read. Your first gift is a moon pendant." As he read it the councilmen pulled out a pendant and I watched my mother's eyes grow wide. Michael continued, "This pendant was your grandmother's before she passed. She said to me with her last breath, 'Neil, make sure this gets to Luna's hands when she is of age.' and so I do." Michael stopped mid reading to pace the pendant around my neck and soon went back to reading, "I gave the pendant to your grandmother when I fell in love with her. Let this stand, not only as a reminder of Leah and my love, but as a reminder you can find love anywhere you wish, poor or rich. I love you my little Star. Happy Birthday. More to come." I didn't even realize it but I was crying. Michael smiled and took his handkerchief and wiped my eyes. I smiled, "Thank you." He nodded and smiled, "Okay, I will not finish up with Sunny's testing and tonight we will know." He turned walking out with Sunny as I stood up to leave. As I got out the door I heard my father hum to my mother, "I will get that pendant for you. Don't worry my love." William chuckled, "Over my dead body." I smiled and pet him, "Easy killer." I laughed and walked off playing with the pendant as I did. 

It was only a few mintues away from the party when I went ahead and got into the dress that William's wife made. I smiled as I sat in front of my mirror and William appeared from the corner, "And what does the lovely princess what done with her hair?" I smiled and laughed, "Suprise me." And he did. He really, really did. He did an extremely cute half up, half down look and curled my hair softly. As the finishing touch he clicked the hair pin from earlier in my hair and he smiled, "As graceful as the moon and as bright as the stars." I smiled and looked up at him, "For once can we do your make up?" I giggled and nodded, "Fine." He smiled and looked to the shadows, "Mia, your better then I am." Just as I looked over a beautiful woman walked out of the shadows in a beautiful black dress and she smiled, "I know I am." After saying hello she got down to business. When she was done, I actually didn't look that bad. The dark blue and sparkles actually kinda looked like the night sky. Just as she finished the door opened to show Michael standing at the door. He smiled and walked in, "You look like a whole different princess." I smiled and took his hand as I stood up. He smiled, "Amazing like always, Mia." She nodded and he took my arm leading me out of the South Wing, "Are you ready?" I took a soft breath, "Yes?" He chuckled and smiled, "You'll be alright. I'm here every step of the way. You need anything while you're over there, you send me or my wife a letter." I nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Michael." He smiled as we stood outside the door, "Let the real Bell of the Ball shine like the moon and stars." 

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