Female Yandere light x Male Reader - The Explanation

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*Continuing from where we left off, Light and You resume studying for a couple of hours. You eat dinner with her family and the two of you part ways.*

You: Okay. I'll see you tommrow light.

Light: See you soon baby. Love you!

You: Love you too....

*You head back to your house and jump in the bed putting your face in the pillow*

You: *Deep sigh*.... I want to know...how long? How long have you loved me? Ah! I wish I can see her again.

*You head into the shower*

You: Her love is so warm and gentle. Warmer than what light has given me. Almost as if she was telling me "Everything is going to be okay. I will be the one to protect you."....But from what?

*You dry yourself off and get back into your bed.*

You: *Sigh. Slightly tearing*....Rem.

*Back to lights house*

Light: So. How was it Rem?

Rem: I see it now. Your love for him is quite strong.

Light: Yeah? That's my baby for you. Hes the best!

Rem: ... *Rem stares at Light in slight anger* (Light Yagami. You are dangerous.  I'm sorry to say but I sense a strong danger since you picked up that note. I know what your up to...and I will make sure (You) is protected away from you. I am wrong for trusting in you.)

Light: *Light take out her notebook to finish off her homework. So I've been  thinking. Theres this guy that asked me about the death note. He says he goes by the name of L, he doesn't suspect anything but should I kill him anyways? .... Rem?

*Back at your house.  You are in your bed reading manga comics of love and relationships*

You: *More tears* Ahh!! This doesnt help! *You throw your book against the wall.* I can't stop thinking about her! *You put your hands on your face*

*As you are tearing in deppressed you feel a pair of arms wrapped around your waist*

Rem: (You). What's the matter? Why do you cry?

You: REM! *You turn around and tighten her hug* Rem...I've missed you.

*Rem French kisses you taking away your depression and sadness*

You: How did you get here?! I thought you needed the notebook for you to appear?

Rem: I ripped a piece of the notebook and put it into your pocket while you were heading out.  But (You) I believe I owe you an explanation....

You: Okay....I'm listening.

*Night time at the police task force headquarters*

L: Mr. Soichiro Yagami. Thank you for joining me. I have some matters to discuss with you.

Soichiro: U...Uh yes L what could be the case.

L: As you are aware, there has been more occurring deaths happening suddenly over the past 3 weeks. Approximately 156 to be exact.

Soichiro: Yes I am aware of that.

L: I need to ask you for a bit of a favor. Soichiro. 

Soichiro: Yes sir?

L: I need to take your daughter in for questioning tommrow regarding the matter. Dont worry she isnt in trouble. Just questioning.

Soichrio: Wha...you think my daughter has something to do with this?

L: Like I said Mr. Soichrio Yagami. Its just questioning. That's all...

Soichrio: (Well if we can dig Into the matter it shouldn't be a problem) Okay. No problem.

L: Thank you. I will take her into my headquarters tommrow after we get out of school. You will be kept updated on the matter.

Soichrio: Okay. Thank you L.

L: Please dont call me L. Call me ryuzaki for private matters.

*Back at your house. You and rem are snuggled up together.*

Rem: Ever since Light picked up the note, I've sensed a warm presence from you. For as light, she truly is human disgrace as for you, (You) your outcome with her will be your death.

You: Really?! No way! I thought she was protecting me. Or at least trying to protect me.

Rem: I've read her future.  As my king of the shinigami realm gifted me this ability.  Since I'm the only female left.

You: Shinigami?

*Rem explains to you the origins of the death note and the shinigami realm.*

You: Woah...so your a God of death? That's so cool.

Rem: (Hes so adorable) *laughes a little* I am. Thank you. But to resume the matter, she plans to kill off every population on the planet and when she does, she will use you and kill you as well. Her version of "Love" and Obession"

Rem: Ever since I layed eyes upon you (You) I knew that you were missing so much. So much was takened from you because of her. *She holds your hand* it was up to me to protect her away from you. For you are so much worthy of anything in this world.

You: Rem....*Tearing* Do you mean that?

Rem: *She kisses you hugging you close to her* I do (You). Till upon your death. My love for you will never go out.

You: *Crying* REM!!! Oh rem! *You two begin having sex in intimacy* I love you so much. Thank you. *More crying*

*Back at lights house*

Light: Hey! Your back! Where did you go?

Rem: .....*Stares at Light with her blood red pupils* (Light Yagami. You truly are a disgusting human)

Female Yandere Light Yagami x Male Reader - The Mira Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now