The following week of school. Prue and I were chilling by our lockers as Jason approach us, before he could say a word Prue put her hands in his face and said informing him
"We don't talk to cheating ass niqqa! ESPECIALLY the ones who are secretly fucking with a thot like nobody don't know about it!"
He rolls his eyes, then rub his chin trying to say something to shut her up but she flipped him the bird and said bitchy
"Box eating bitch... You still here? You got five seconds to be gone, if your still here by the time I'm done. Ima have my friend off ya head!"
Jason then looks at me for conformation, I shrugged my shoulders and gave him the peace sign, I wanted to talk to him one on one without all the hype. Before Prue turn around Jason was a goner! She looks at me then said putting her books away in the locker.
"Keira, I don't know about you baby but I have to HAVE TO burn Jason some way somehow today before schools out. No niqqa gonna play our girl like that and THINK his gonna live to tell the story. His ass most roasts today. I was thinking we'd go into the boy's locker room and like put some shit in his smoothie. We all know the niqqa love his smoothie and have him all in his feelings. Like the little bitch he truly is... I-!"
She kept rambling on about putting estrogen pills in his bottle. Honestly I'm not gonna lie to you I stop listening after she said my name. I was too busy playing the staring contest with Javier. He was so sexy today, his sexy everyday but for some reason he was more attractive today. He blew me a kiss as I catch it placing it on my chest, as his boy was talking to him he kept his focus on me as I did the same. We then walk away from them, met each other half way in the halls, he place his hands on my hips as we look into each other's eyes lean in and kiss. His kisses were nothing like Noel's but I enjoy kissing him. We look at each other's smiling as he said.
"Morning sexy. Can I please take you out on a date later on? Can you find a way to fit me into your crazy schedule?"
I smile at him nod yes as I reply.
"Yes you can. Like around 5ish. But I have to be back at 7, gotta see my sister. Haven't really spent time with her since I started school. Is that okay with you?"
"It's fine with me baby. Plus I'd love to meet her. When am I gonna meet ya folks by the way?"
I was caught off guard with that question. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I wasn't ready for him to meet my dad as of yet. I'm not embarrassed to be with him that's not the issue; it's just that my father is a little...... Cuckoo and not for Cocoa Puffs! So I respond slighting lying.
"When the time is right. Trust me, its best we wait to meet the folks, than to rush and have a meet and greet that will turn out ugly. So don't worry you'll meet them when the time is right! Ok?"
He wasn't please with my respond but he understood where I was coming from which is what I cared about most. He then said informing me.
"Well... My mom would love to meet you. She actually wanted to have you over and cook so she can get to know you. What you think? No rush, nothing big, promise... I just talk about you a lot and she wants to finally meet the face that matches the name... So what you say mama?"
TOO FAST. I didn't want to hurt him or have an argument about not wanting to meet his mother. So I smile and reply.
"Sure... Ah, yeah! That would be...Great!"
He kiss me on my forehead and said walking back to his friend.
"Iite, it's a date. Meet you after school babe!"
I walk towards Prue as my heart was racing. Horror was written all over my face that she ask curiously.
"You good? Why you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Between The Lies
Teen FictionI've been callin this niqqa all day. To clear up some bullshit, I've heard on the street. Since he wasn't answering my calls, I showed up at his crib.. Like the dumbass he is, he left the extra key under the rug. Walking into the house, everything s...