Chapter 1: New Girl

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  "Call me every day sweet heart. And if not then every other day, and if not then--" I laughed, "I know mom. Don't worry, all that's exciting about a new school is more homework. I'll be sure to tell you all about my boring new life." She laughed on the other side of the phone, "Well, I love you sweet heart. I miss you already."

  I bit my lip, "I miss you too mom. Bye, love you." I sighed as I hung up the phone, my parents had recently gotten divorced. They were trying to work it out, but they just couldn't. My mom was always busy so I would be living with my dad. How exciting, being the new girl at school, and new neighbor, who happens to be the coaches daughter.

Just great.

  We boarded the plane, I was going to miss my mother. She lived in America while I would be living in Paris. Why was I so unlucky? I put on my headphones and turned on my playlist, making sure to crank up the volume. Goodbye New York, and hello Paris.


  The new house wasn't so bad, it was cute and it would look perfect with plants! What can I say, I loved to garden, my mother taught me how and when she visit she would love them! I looked at my dad, "Well..." He opened the door, my eyes widened. "Woah! This place is amazing!"

  My father chuckled, I ran through the hallways of the house. It was huge! My eyes sparkled as I saw a pool outside, "NO way! There's a pool too!?!?!" My dad shot me a wink, "Go ahead and unpack your stuff. We can go swimming tomorrow." I grinned, grabbing my bag for the car and putting it in my new room, speaking of which...


  My mouth dropped, this place was huge. I smiled as I ran back to the car to grab some boxes, My dad helped deliver the boxes in the car to my room. There wasn't much since we sold all our old furniture and the new furniture would be delivered tomorrow.

  I had made my bed and unpacked some of my boxes, saving the rest for placing on the new furniture that would be here in about a week. There was so many things that would happen tomorrow, it was my first day of school, and my father's first day as the new coach.

  He had always liked football, I always watched his games and practice after school. I found myself to actually like football, My mother had tooken a picture that I always kept on my wall. It was a picture of my dad holding me up after I scored my first touch down when I was five.

  I smiled at the memory, he was so happy that day. I clenched the photo to my chest. "Ok, I'm sure you need some rest after a plane ride. Be ready by 7:00 tomorrow, I need to organize my new room at the school." I nodded at my father, "Night dad." He smiled, "Goodnight Sweetheart."

  I set the photo down, taking off my clothes and taking a warm shower. It was my nightly routine, the warm water soothed me and took away my stress. After that I headed to bed, wow my dad was right, I really needed some rest.


  My alarm clock woke me up at 6:00. It was way to early, I yawned and stretched. My eyes widened as I realized it was my first day at school, the thought woke me up, I didn't even need coffee! I quickly got out of bed and grabbed the outfit I prepared last night, slipping it on.

  It was a simple tight black t-shirt, showing a bit of my tummy, and jean shorts. I put on hoop earrings and applied mascara and lip gloss. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth before I grabbed my black book bag. I slipped on some black converse and ran downstairs.

  "You ready pumpkin?" I nodded, I was excited yet scared yet nervous. If that made any sense... We arrived at the high school, it looked really nice. As My dad lead me in the school, we carried the boxes of supplies to his room. He opened the door to his new office. "Pretty nice huh?" I nodded, setting down the boxes.

  I headed to my new classroom at 8:23, two minutes before the bell. I looked down at my feet. I sighed, what if I wasn't able to make new friends? What if no one liked me? At my old school all I had was like, 3 friends, and I never even hung out with them anywhere besides school.

  "Hey! You must be Marinette! The transfer student?" I looked up, to find a girl with brown hair, glasses, and hazel eyes. "U-uhh, yeah. How'd you know?" She smiled, "I can just tell. I'm supposed to lead you to all your classes since I'm in every one of them. Trust me girl, we're gonna be besties."

  I smiled, "O-ok. Cool!" She smiled, "Oh, and... There are a few other people who are in all of classes. For example, Alex, she's really cool. There's also Nino, my boyfriend... And his best friend, Adrien... Speaking of which..." She pointed down the hallway.

  My lips parted as I saw a boy with golden hair and emerald eyes. He was laughing with some of his friends and teasing them. "Yeah, that's Adrien. The hottest guy in school, he's not a PlayBoy though. He plays football, basketball, fencing, knows seven different languages, and plays piano."

  Alya explained, "The cutie next to him, is Nino, his best friend and the boy who stole my heart. Next to him is Kim, the guy in the red jacket, a total player and jock. The similarity between all of them is they all play football." My cheeks heated up as he past by me, and for a second, we made eye contact.

  The second seemed to be in slow motion as his lips parted, "The boy hasn't fallen for anyone, and he's been single for as long as I've known him. Probably his whole life, seeming he friendzones every girl who asks him out. But he's really cool and easy to make friends with."

  I nodded, then spotted a girl who was in the midst of rolling her eyes, and flipping her blonde hair. "Oh yeah, and those girls are like the mean girls, the goldilocks who has overly expensive clothes and too much gell in her hair for liking, is the mayor's daughter Chloe Bitc-- Bourgeois. I just call her C.B.B."

  I giggled and nodded, "The girl next to her is the huge liar of the school, Lila Rossi, the one with the redish brownish hair. And the girl with the glasses next to her is Sabrina. Basically nobody likes them except themselves. So their not technically the mean girls." I nodded in understandment.

  "My names Alya, the greatest person you will ever meet. So, ready to see your first period, social studies? Here it is." She said right as the teacher opened up the door, we started to walk in the classroom. "A-alya, w-where do I sit?" She chuckled, "You can literally sit anywhere." I nodded and sat in the seat behind her.

  Her boyfriend... Nino I think, sat beside her and the boy with golden hair sat beside me. I blushed, not daring to say a word to him. Luckily, he said a word to me. "Hi, you must be new here. I'm Adrien." He held out his hand, my cheeks heating up as I shook it, "M-marinette."

  He smiled making butterflies swarm in my stomach, his hand was so warm and I didn't want to let go. But I did otherwise it'd just be weird. "So guys, I'm sure most of you have noticed a new face in here. We have a new classmate who's come all the way from America! Can you imagine?"

  My eyes widened, please don't point at me, please don't point at me! And as expected, she pointed at me... "Would you like to introduce yourself?" I blushed in embarrassment as I felt a hundred eyes stare at me, "U-uhh-- I'm Marinette Dupain..." My eyebrows narrowed.

  Was I supposed to say cheng, my parents were divorced now. I sighed, "I'm Marinette Dupain. Nice to meet you all." I said and sat back in my seat. No one seemed to notice how sad I actually was as the teacher smiled. "Now, Adrien, can you please show Marinette what chapter we're reading?"

  I didn't look at him, I didn't care. I had realized, this was real. My parents were actually divorced, it took me a while to actually get it. The teacher handed me a book and I set it down on my desk. "H-hey, you ok?" I looked beside me, Adrien narrowed his eyebrows and gave me a look of concern.

  I nodded slowly, offering him a weak smile. "Yeah. I'm okay, thanks." I said as he showed me what page to turn to and we started taking notes. After class Alya gave me her notes from the past week. I couldn't help but think about my parents, as I ate lunch with Alya.

  I sighed as I sat on the bleachers to watch my dad coach his new team. I was scribbling down notes in my journal and finishing my homework as he taught practice. I didn't even notice the concerned face that Adrien Agreste shot me as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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