Chapter 4: New Feelings part 2:

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  I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I saw Marinette. I smiled at her, then saw how soaking wet she was. My lips parted as I ran to the lockers, I grabbed my umbrella and my jersey. I ran back to her, a bit nervous... Why was I nervous?

  Marinette needed me, I saw her raise up her head, water running down her face and dripping off her lips. My cheeks turned a crimson red as I slowly walked over to her. "Hey Marinette." She looked at me and smiled, "Oh. H-hey Adrien."

  I handed her my umbrella, "Hopefully this will help." Her lips parted as she looked up at me through her long black eyelashes, her Crystal Blue eyes making my heart skip a beat. My cheeks turning a bit red, she hesitantly reached for the handle, our fingers brushing and she pulled back a bit before taking it.

  I smiled at her, putting the jersey over her shoulders, "It's really warm. It should help--" She smiled and hugged me, "Thank you Adrien." My lips parted, but curved into a smile, "No problem Marinette." She pulled back and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she pointed to the field.

  "Do your best. I'll be watching you." Her eyes widened, "N-NOT LIKE THAT I-- NOT IN A CREEPY WAY OR ANYTHING I JUST MENT--" I chuckled, she was a adorable. "Don't worry. I know what you mean, see ya later then." I smiled and waved, why was she so beautiful? the rain making her eyes sparkle and her skin gleam.


  "Good job out there today Adrien." Tom said, I smiled, "Thanks Coach--" Nino interrupted me, "Actually sir, Adrien's the best player on our team." Tom raised a brow, "Must be popular with the ladies then huh?" He said, my eyes widened as I parted my lips to speak-

Nino interrupted me... Again.

  "Actually, the boy's a virgin sir, he's never dated anyone. He shuts down every girl that asks him out. He hasn't even had his first kiss yet." Nino said cackling, I blushed in embarrassment, "T-that was supposed to be a secret!" I said looking to the side, "Hey, that's a good thing."

  My lips parted, "Your only 17. It's good to wait for enjoyment." I smiled, "Well, see ya guys later. Gotta get ready for my date with Alya." He winked, I shook my head, facepalming. Tom chuckled, "Hey, thanks for giving Marinette that umbrella today son. She's really protective when it comes to her homework."

  I smiled, "Well, she's really cool. I'll always help a friend in need." Ding. I looked at my phone, it was a text from my mom.

Can't wait till you get home Adrien! I have something for you! ;-)

  "I should probably start walking home sir. My mom's all alone and I like to keep her company." Tom smiled, "I could give you a ride home. Marinette needs to return your jersey anyways." My lips parted, "Thanks sir! That'd be great!"

  I sat in the back seat with Marinette, she gave me back my jersey but I told her she could keep the umbrella seeming it was monsoon season. "So, how's school guys?" Her father asked, "Good. " we both answered, I could see him smirk on the mirror as he looked at Marinette.

  "Any boy's that interest you?" My eyes widened as I practically choked on my spit, Marinette jumped, her eyes widening. "D-dad!" His smirk became wider, "So there is a boy?" Marinette's cheeks seemed to redden, "M-maybe... I MEAN- NO WAY!" She scratched the back of her head nervously.

  Despite her being adorable, I narrowed my eyebrows. Who could she like, and how could I be more like them? I had comprehended the fact that I had feelings for her that was quite new to me. I had never felt anything for anyone. And here The Coaches Daughter was...

Capturing my heart.

  I had already began to feel a bit jealous and I hadn't even known the guy's name. What if he was more handsome then me? More funny! More talented! What if his name was better and more interesting then mine! Like... Peter, or... John... Or--

  Before I knew it he had arrived at my place, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even know what Marinette had said, what if she said his name!?!? And I didn't even hear her! Why was I so lame?! I inwardly groaned, "Thanks for the ride Coa- Tom." He smiled, "Anytime son."

  I smiled and waved at Mari who shyly smiled back. I walked back into that house, I needed advice from my mom! I practically slammed open the door, "Mom!" Her eyes widened as she looked at me, "Adrien? What's wrong?" I walked over to her, she she patted the spot beside me.

  I smiled as I sat down next to her, "What's wrong honey?" I sighed, "You were right... Girls like Marinette don't stay single forever! She's beautiful... And I have these feelings for her... That I've never felt for anyone. Marinette likes someone."

  My mother chuckled, "Oh Adrien... You really don't know anything about girls. Marinette may like someone, but she didn't say it wasn't you did she?" My lips parted, my mother smiled, "She would've said his name if it wasn't you."

  My cheeks reddened, I smiled. "Also... I was looking through the basement and...." She held up a stuffed animal, it was a black cat with green eyes. "You used to love this when you were little. Once we bought this house it got lost and you were so sad." I chuckled, taking the stuffed animal.

  "Black cats mean bad luck. But Ladybug means good luck, it's like Yin and Yang. There was only two stuffed animals and the other is somewhere out there. Who knows who has it, we found this stuffed animal at a shop in New York when your father and I were traveling."

  I smiled, the stuffed toy was sort of cute. And black cat's were my favorite animal. I have no idea why, "I wonder who your Ladybug is huh? The Yin to your Yang." I blushed, did Marinette even like Ladybugs?


  "Last box." I said, I had finished unpacking all my things and organizing them. All that was left was this one, I opened it. My lips parted, as I saw the old Ladybug stuffed animal I used to play with all the time. I loved Ladybugs, they were the symbol of creation.

  My mother and father bought it in a shop back in New York city, they used to tell me there was a cat stuffed animal but it was somewhere out there. Black cats symbolized destruction, so a Ladybug would fit them perfectly.

It was like Yin and Yang.

  I smiled as I held the stuffed toy tight to my chest, I took a shower before heading to bed, the Ladybug beside me as I gently traced my hands against the lining of the extraordinary embroidery and threading. I wonder, who's the Yang to my Yin? I blushed as I thought of Adrien.

Did he even like black cats?

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