Chapter 6: New Tutor

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  Emily and Adrien would be here in like an hour so I decided to get ready now. I put on a black shoulder-show crop top and some jean shorts. I layered my eyelashes with a bit of mascara, put on some chapstick that I layered with lip gloss. I headed downstairs, "Marinette, wanna help me with dinner?"

  "Sure dad." I said, we had finished unpacking every single box, I always helped after school and football practice. For dinner we made lasagna, Emily said that she and Adrien didn't have any allergies either. I set a bowl of salad with freshly cut tomatoes on the table.

  I helped my dad set up the table, "Say honey, I was just called and told that we were gonna go to a game next week. First game with the new team, interested in coming?" I smiled, "Always. You know I'll never miss a game for the world dad."

  He chuckled, "That's my girl." We heard the doorbell ring, I stayed behind as my dad opened the door, "Hi." Emily said, my dad grinned, "Hey, come on in." Emily eyes wandered around the house, "Wow, you guys did a heck of a job. This place looks amazing!"

"I couldn't have done it without my daughter." He said, shooting me a wink, I smiled at him.


  "Wow, this is delicious! And these tomatoes are so juicy." Emily said, my father smiled, "Don't look at me, my daughter is an amazing cook. She loves to garden so we're gonna start one soon. Maybe after next week's game."

  "Game?" My father nodded, "Yeah, there's a game next week. I invite you to come Emily, your son is the one of the best players I've seen. He's got a hell of a tackle." Emily chuckled, "So I've heard. I'll definitely come. Are you going Marinette?"

  I smiled, "Yeah. I would never miss a game--speaking of which, I should probably finish my homework, I can't understand the problems so it'll probably take me a while." Emily nudged Adrien, "My son is great at math. He already finished all the equations, maybe he could tutor you?"

  I looked at Adrien as if I was asking him a question, he smiled, "I'd be happy to." He said, "Well go on upstairs then you two." Emily said, Adrien got up and followed me up the stairs, we headed to my bedroom as I pulled out my homework sheet from my desk.

  "So what are you having trouble with?" He asked, I sighed, "Well... I always got the idea of integers and variables... Negative and positive numbers times fractions with variables and integers... But I don't know, this sheet kind of confuses me."

  He smiled and looked at the page, "Do a problem, even if you know it's not the right answer." I nodded and pulled out a blank sheet of paper, scribbling down the problem as I began to multiply and divide to find the variables.

  After finishing the problem I handed him the sheet of paper, he smiled and scanned over my equation. "Your just thinking to hard about it, once you figure out the right path you'll understand. You just made one mistake, and that was multiplying the Negative and positives before the fractions."

  My lips parted as I mentally slapped myself, now it made more sense... "I'd happily tutor you every Tuesday and Thursday after school, those are the days I don't have football practice." I smiled, "Would it be to much to ask..? I feel like I'm bothering you."

  Adrien smiled, "Not at all. I'd like spending some time with you." I blushed, nodding before Adrien looked at my bed. "Hey... Is that a ladybug stuffed animal?" I nodded, "Yeah. My parents got it for me back in New York, I just found it while unpacking one of my boxes, I love Ladybugs."

  I smiled, "O-oh. I-i have one too-- not a ladybug-- a black cat stuffed animal, I used to play with it when I was little. When my parents were traveling and my mom was pregnant with me, she picked it up from a store in New York when she was traveling. She said it was a set but she never found the other one. I'm guessing it's you then huh?"

Did that mean we were soulmates-- No. There's no such thing.

I giggled, "I guess so."



  The 24 hours that I spent without Marinette seemed like 24 days... No... Years. The coach said we had a game next week, on Wednesday. Meaning football practice today... Monday, Tutoring lessons with Marinette on Tuesday, Football game on Wednesday, Tutoring on Thursday, football practice on Friday, and Chinese studying on the weekend.

  Damn I was busy this week. At least I had an excuse to reject any dates, and had earned some time with Marinette. "Bye mom! I love you!" I said running out the door, I took a bite of my apple as I ran to school. Once I made it I heard a familiar voice, it sounded like a hammer to the skull.

  I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was Chloe, but I was surprised to see just who she was talking to. Marinette...? I listened more carefully, "Stay away from Adrien. He's mine, mine!" I frowned, that was completely untrue. "If I ever see you with him without my permission, I will--"

  "I don't need your permission Chloe. Besides, w-we're just friends." My lips parted, as I narrowed my eyebrows and sighed. Sure we were just friends, but was it wrong that I wanted to become more...? I frowned, squinting in determination as I walked over to Marinette.

  "So we're still on for after school tutoring right?" I asked taking her arm and pulling her away from Chloe, who's has dropped to the floor. "U-uhh-- yeah. That'd be great!" Marinette said, as I pulled her along to class. "Thanks for saving me. Chloe really doesn't like me." She said, I sighed.

  "Well, you may be on her bad side, but it's better then being on her good side. If you were on her good side you'd be considered as one of her 'puppets.'" She nodded, "I'm still grateful, how about we do tutoring lessons in the library?" I smiled, "Sounds good."

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