22 - Real Life

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"Sebastian!" Hunter called out from the master bathroom.

She's gripping onto the ledge of the counter. She's been having contractions but she kept them to herself thinking that it's probably just Braxton Hicks. But her water just broke.

"Bubba, I'll be right back," Sebastian said to Logan.

"Okay," Logan said.

Logan is in the giant bean bag chair in the corner of the living room and he has a giant Where's Waldo? book in his lap. He's gotten pretty good at finding Waldo. Sebastian left him and went up the stairs. Hunter calls for him again but louder and Sebastian rushes.

"What's wrong, baby?" Sebastian asked coming into the bathroom.

"My water broke," Hunter said.

"Isn't it a bit early?" Sebastian asked knowing her due date is in 2 weeks.

She nodded with this worried look on her face and Sebastian rushes to her. He takes her hands into his and he pushes up her chin to look at him.

"It's gonna be alright, baby girl. We'll get you into something else and I'll call Lizzie to come watch Logan and the dogs," Sebastian said as she grips onto his hands tightly.

Hunter nodded but she had tears in her eyes. Last time her water broke, she was taken to the hospital and then dumped by Logan's father. She doesn't want that to happen again. She doesn't know what she'll do. She knows that Sebastian is such an amazing guy but so was the last guy and he left. It scares her so much that it'll happen all over again.

"Hey, I love you," Sebastian said kissing her forehead and wrapping his arms around her. "We're gonna have a baby."

Hunter nodded once again. He slowly leads her into their room.


Sebastian held Hunter's hand as a nurse puts a baby monitor on her. He runs a hand through Hunter's dirty blonde hair and he kisses her temple. He knows something is going on inside that pretty head of hers. He had texted Lizzie about it earlier and he's just waiting on a response.

"I'll be back to check on you later," the nurse said.

Hunter nodded and Sebastian said, "thank you."

The nurse left the room and Sebastian helped Hunter lay back in the bed. He pulled up the blanket and she pulled down the hospital gown.

"You alright, darling?" Sebastian asked looking at Hunter and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She nodded but looked away. Sebastian takes a hold of her hand and kisses her cheek. He sits down in the chair right next to her bed. His phone buzzes and he pulls it out with his free hand.



Last time she had a baby, she
was all alone cause Logan's
father straight up left her.
He got her checked in and he
stayed for like an hour until
he told her that he can't be
there and then he left. She's
probably terrified that you
might leave too

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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