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The small cafe was filled with the aroma of fresh coffee, sweet pastries and people's voice. Sun shining through the windows, making a warm atmosphere. A beautiful afternoon in Seoul.

"I'm going to die from coming here nearly everyday." he sighs as he takes a spoonful of the tiramisu in front of him.

Hoseok frequents this cafe pretty much everyday. It was his relaxation spot from his busy college classes and job. He's a dance major. A talented child prodigy that lead him to get a scholarship to one of Seoul's top colleges. So good in fact, that his teacher's husband had asked if he would like to teach classes.

But the cafe wasn't his only escape. Recently, he's been playing games more often. His best friend Jimin had gifted him a 3DS some time ago, but he never played on it until now, finding Animal Crossing pretty therapeutic. Another thing he enjoys is Streetpass, where when you come across another player, they show up in your Mii Plaza and get to complete puzzles and mini games with them.

Hoseok sat in silence in his own world again, eating his tiramisu and tending to his town. Once he'd found nothing else to do on the game, he shut it down to open Mii Plaza.

"He's here again?!" Hoseok thought to himself.

Over the past month or two, there has been a certain mii character popping up at his plaza gates. 

Every. Single. Day.

"Maybe he works here, I guess." He scratches his head. What he fails to notice is a person on the other side of the cafe look around just as confused as he was, 3DS in hand.

Hoseok shuts off his system and eats the rest of his daily dessert, then heads off to his next location. 

"Do you want to get diabetes or something?" Jimin ask Hoseok as the two stretch.

"No I don't and I won't." he replies leaning to the other side.

"Well it sure as hell seems like you do," Jimin turns into a split as he rolls his eyes. "You're such a fat ass, Hobi. "

"Well, you're not wrong... I do have a great ass." Hoseok laughs, rolling away from Jimin who tried to kick him.

"For fucks sake, shut up." he chuckles.

"You love me and you know it!" Hoseok pouted knowing well it was the boys weakness.

"No, I hate you." Jimin looked away to not be swayed by his extreme cuteness. 

Hoseok pretends to have been shot and dramatically dies on the floor.

"How... could y-you.. " Hoseok gasps out.

"You're so dramatic." a small smile graces Jimin's lips.

The two were getting ready for the
afternoon dance class that they taught. Hoseok had been given the job after his dance teacher and her husband had seen just how incredible his skills were. Of course he took the job, it paid more than his previous one and was much more enjoyable. 

Jimin on the other hand had begged Hoseok to let him be his "assistant" after finding out one of the students was the younger sibling of his crush.

"Take it back or I'll tell that art boy you like him!" Hoseok yells. But the other doesn't have time to reply as some of the kids began to walk in. A chorus of hellos to the boys and goodbyes to whoever dropped them off were heard as the kids settled in.

Hoseok laughed to himself as he watched his friend stare at the two people who walked in next.

"Have fun and be good okay?" the boy says to his sibling, showing his boxy smile. Hoseok could have sworn he saw a tear roll down Jimin's face. 

"Yeah yeah I know, you tell me this every time." they respond giving him a hug.

"I know. I love you, see you later." he waves smiling again, walking out of the room.

"I love you too!" more than one person says to him, the other a low whisper.

Hoseok doubles over in laughter at the sight of Jimin's cheeks flushed red when he realized what he had said. Jimin threw himself at the other in an attempt to quiet him but it only made him laugh harder.

"What's so funny Mr. Jung?" one of the girls ask. By now, all of the students were looking at the two.

"It's nothing," he smiles, clapping his hands, "Alright let's get started shall we. Everyone begin stretching."

The two hour class passes by with Jimin internally crying over the boxy smiled art boy yet again as he picks up his little one.

"Do you even know his name?" Hoseok asks sipping his water.

"Yes, it's Taehyung." Jimin replied with a dreamy look on his face as he laid on his back exhausted.

Hoseok couldn't blame him, Taehyung was extremely attractive. It was slightly terrifying how attractive we was. If it wasn't for his best friend crushing on him, he'd probably take his shot with him... But then again playing Animal Crossing takes up a lot of his free time.

"Oof!" Hoseok flops onto his bed, freshly showered, all assignments magically completed, and ready for his nightly Island bug hunt.

"Maybe I play this game too much.." he thinks to himself as he loads Animal Crossing for the umpteenth time.

He plays for about two and a half hours before his eyes grew tired. He'd managed to collect four golden stag beetles and then some, bringing in a pretty good amount of bells once he sold everything.

Once he exited out of the game his eyes landed on the Mii Plaza icon. Frowning slightly, he plugs the DS into the charger and putting it atop his nightstand next to his phone.

The last thing on his mind before he knocked out was who in the hell is WWHJin and why they cross paths so often.

Ahh~ It feels great to be writing again. This time around I'll try to be better at updating somewhat consistently.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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