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The sky was painted gray as drops of rain splashed against the ground. Hoseok's feet quickly hit the pavement as he ran to his destination.

The familiar sound of the bell rang as he opened the door. Warmth hit him immediately as he took a deep breath, a smile appeared on his face. He loved this place a little too much. Walking up to the counter, he ordered his usual tiramisu and tea in place of his normal drink since it was cold today. He sat at his normal corner seat, taking out his 3DS as he does everyday.

He glances out the window as he waits for it to load. He felt more relaxed with the sound of the rain hitting the glass of the window. It was on of his favorite things. As much as he loved the warm and sunny days, he also adored the comforting feel of rainy ones.

He turns his attention back to his game console after a while.

A few minutes later, someone walked in setting off the bell. Out of his peripheral vision, Hoseok got a glimpse of the person...

Holy shit....

Hoseok was stunned by the boy that just in. He had long, messy black hair that framed his incredibly handsome face. Plump lips that formed the prettiest smile he had ever seen as he walked up to the counter. He was so dazzled he hadn't noticed the waiter had brought his order or how they giggled at his obvious staring.

Then it happened.

He was starting for so long that the pretty boy must have felt it. He turned his head and made eye contact with Hoseok. Said boy turned his head so fast he almost got whiplash. His heart was racing a mile a minute. He didn't dare to look back, knowing his poor heart couldn't take it. He went back to his console, noticing the highlighted circle on the Mii Plaza icon that certainly wasn't there a few minutes ago. He clicked on the icon already suspecting who it was. At his gate once again was WWHJin.

"Who even are you!?!?" Hoseok was confused as ever. Well he was surely about to get his answer soon, because the pretty boy was making his way over to him. Just as Hoseok took a sip of his tea, the boy sat in the seat in front of him. He nearly choked.

"Um... hi, can I ask you a question?" The boy asked.

"Y-yeah sure, go ahead." Hoseok smiled nervously, stunned once again by his beauty.

"What's the name of your mii character?" he asked curiously, pointing to the device in one of his hands.

"Oh, it's uh sunnyhobi, why?" Hoseok tilts his head. 

The boys eyes widen in a mix of shock and happiness.

"So it's you!"


"You, you're the one that's constantly street passing me!" he exclaims


"Hold on you're WWHJin?!"

"Yes, that's me!" There it is again that smile. Hoseok felt his heart melting seeing it.

"AaaAhhhH, finally I know who you are. It was really starting to annoy me." He dramatically sighed.

Hoseok let out a chuckle, finding it cute adorably funny.

"Yeah, I understand.. I'm uh.. Hoseok by the way.. Or you can call me Hobi, if you want." he rubbed his neck and smiled.

"Oh, I'm Seokjin, or you can call me Jin. Even better, you can call me worldwide handsome, everyone does. Nice to officially meet you." Jin extended his hand out.

Hoseok takes it, a bigger smile on his face. He found him completely charming.

"Nice to meet you too. So, I'm guessing the wwh in your user means worldwide handsome."

"Yup!" Jin proudly nods.

By now his food as been set down and once he noticed he immediately dug into the strawberry shortcake.

"May I ask why you come here everyday?" Jin asked.

"I can ask you the same question." Hoseok chuckled, "I come here for a break before I have to go back to either my classes or work." he explained.

"Classes? Do you go to the campus down the street?"

"Yeah, I do."

"So do I. I'm majoring in acting. What about you?"

"Dance. And I also teach a dance class some days of the week."

"Wow, that sounds tiring."

"It is but I enjoy it so it's worth it."

"What about you?"

"Pretty much the same reason. Just a place to relax." Hoseok nods understandingly.

"So what do you have to do after this?" Jin asks.

"Go to classes. I have a test to take." Hoseok says nervously. More nervous by the person in front of him rather than the test.

"Hmm, don't worry, I think you'll do fine." Jin smiles reassuringly.

He doesn't know why, but hearing Jin say that made him really happy. Like extremely happy. And it shows.

"O-oh uh.., thanks!" Hoseok beams.

They smile at each other and continue to chat. It felt like the two had known each other since forever. It wasn't awkward at all. It all felt so natural and Hoseok liked that. To be able to connect with someone pretty quick, most if it thanks to their love for games, it was nice.

After a while they both finished eating. Jin had to leave early for an afternoon classes.

"Well, I had fun talking to you today. Guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Hoseok laughs.

"Yeah, I'll surely be here tomorrow." Jin replies, packing his bag.

"Also can I see your phone, please?" Jin smiles.

"U-uh sure," he takes his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and hands it to him, "here."

Jin takes his phones and a minute later hands it back.

"See you tomorrow, Hoseok. Good luck on your test!" Jin waves at him as he leaves. Hoseok notices a slight blushing tinting the others adorable cheeks as he walks away.

"Oh God was my face red the entire time? It must have been, my face feels hot. Shit shit, did he notice.. maybe not.. but what if  he did and was just being nice by not saying anything?!" Hoseok thinks but keeps a smile on his face and waves back until Jin's out the door.

He looks down at his phone and noticed it was open to a new contact under the name WorldWide Handsome... with a heart emoji.

By some miraculous force he was able to get his number.

Despite the rain pouring, Hoseok beamed with happiness as he made his way back to campus. 

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