Chapter one

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You are a friend of Joyce and Hopper, the three of you have been known as the squad that would search their souls for something. And that is, true, you mostly, would search your whole souls, for something, even if it's something small.

Your name is y/n, y/n Carver. You are the main person Joyce looks up to, and Hopper is jealous at because you are always the one person to figure out what the problem is, but in this situation, it's difficult. "I swear they never fall down like this!" Joyce explains. "Well whatever it is, you're probably overthinking Joyce..." Hopper responds.

"Maybe it's the power that went out two days ago" you suggest.

Joyce just runs around in a circle. Hopper just steps in, grabs Joyce by the arms and looks at her, "Joyce, Joyce look at me. You're overthinking, but maybe we can figure this out." Hopper tells Joyce in the calmest voice he tries to put up in. Honestly I can't tell if Joyce and Hopper both look good together, I always disagree then agree. Then agree and disagree.

(What do you guys think about Hopper and Joyce?)

We head to the mayors office and Joyce goes to talk with the secretary while Hopper and I head to the mayor. I stand in the corner while Hopper tries to ask questions to the mayor, while asking the questions, the mayor won't answer them or give dumb answers. It came from Hopper threatening to him beating the hell out of him to get an answer or two.

We get to Larry's house so we can have the records. I look around the house and see how nice it is, but then again, I don't care. We just need the goddamn records. We finally leave and we go to this house. And it seemed empty at first but we found this bedroom, but hopper lifted the bed and saw an underground lab?

We walk in it and then we saw two people, "HAWKINS POLICE DEPARTMENT PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!" Hopper proceeds to point a gun at the two mean. Both men turned around scared and couldn't understand what Hopper was saying

"кто это мужчина?" One man asks, 'oh shit' I thought to myself. "Hopper, Hopper! They speak Russian!" I try and tell him, but he turns and sees join giving us a "shut up" sign while pointing at the roof. We heard footsteps. "это босс!" A brown curly haired  man says, none of us understanding what he says, I hide with Joyce while Hopper stands there at the same spot with his gun.

"HAWKINS POLICE DEPARTMENT PUT YOUR HANDS-" Hopper gets interrupted by the man with the black suit, giving him an awful punch. "будь осторожен, не пострадай!" The curly haired Russian tells me, I still have no clue what he says, but he had a worried face telling me whatever he was telling me.

Hear a loud thud and we turn to see the man in the black suit pass out. "Grab that guy right next to you Carver!" I grabbed the man and Hopper Joyce and I ran out. Hurrying before the man wakes up. We rushed to the car and Hopper hands Joyce the car keys, "DRIVE JOYCE DRIVE!!!" He screams, Joyce looks like she's panicking "shit shit shit shit shit !!" She starts up the car and we see the man in the black suit with a shot gun, Joyce turns the car around viscously and steps on the peddle.

We hear shot gun noises and I bend down, gesturing the Russian man to do the same, he understands and puts his head down. A bullet goes through the back window, my hands shake, I feel hands on my hands, I look up and see the Russian mans hands on mine, "все хорошо, у тебя все будет хорошо" man I wish could understand him. But he has a smile on his face, looks like  the smile is saying, "it's okay, you'll be okay."

кто это мужчина? = who is this man?

это босс! = it's the boss!

будь осторожен, не пострадай!= be careful, don't get hurt.

все хорошо, у тебя все будет хорошо = it's okay, you'll be fine

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