A Happy Ending chap 12.

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(Takes place four years later)

(Marc's POV)

It has been four years since we had our second baby, we named him Javier. He is now four years old (do not math check me, I know I am wrong but just deal with it) and Angel is eleven.

Nathaniel is currently working as an animator for an anime company and I just stayed home as a house parent as I didnt have much of a occupation that seemed interesting.

We would get occasional visits by Mari, Adrien, and the others. Except for Chloe, we had a restraining order placed on her so that she would never come near us again.

So, our live has been perfect...

(I really hope you guys enjoyed this book but... Everything must come to an end. I really liked writing this but, there is nothing more I can write here. I hope you guys had a wonderful time reading this! I love you all!

     Sincerely- Author~Chan)

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