🍂 similiarities attracts

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Bethany loved to sleep. She was quite a sleepyhead, but much to her liking, she got the most uncooperative roommate possible. Her roommate was Athanasia. Athanasia was a very loud and chatty, she often brought her friends to her room while Bethany is trying to sleep. And Athanasia was just as stubborn. So there wasn't any point in protesting.

Now that was why, Bethany tend to use any opportunity possible to sleep. Like right now, when her friend Kathleen asked Bethany to accompany her to the library, she gladly accepted because she knew she can just sleep there and Kathleen wouldn't mind. 

And one more thing about Bethany... She was a hopeless romantic as much as she was a sleepyhead. She was love sick with a guy, blonde and cute, named Stick. Bethany actually didn't know his real name. She didn't think anyone does. Everyone just kept calling him Stick. Even the teachers do too.

She leaned down her head to the table in the far corner part of the library. She chose the least crowded spot to avoid any disturbance to her beauty sleep. 

She yawned, and then let herself drift off to sleep peacefully as listening to the distant chatter of her fellas... 

... only to be awaken by some ruckus made by a group of boys. 

Bethany groaned and looked up, seeing a group of boys in another table in the middle of the room. She furrowed her brows in disturbance, she dreamt about Stick! But their loud noises woke her up.

"Oh c'mon, be quiet will you?! I'm dreaming about Chris!" one of the boys yelled, and Bethany just noticed at the moment that he was trying to sleep. Just like her.

But after got yelled, the crowd just got wilder. They even got many 'ssssh's from other students in the library. The boy who was trying to sleep earlier groaned as a tall boy with spikey hair ruffles his hair.

Bethany continue to observe this boy somehow, staring and staring until the boy catched her eyes. She hurriedly looked away and leaned her head to the table again, willing to try another shot to her beauty sleep.

But just before she would close her eyes to completely drift off to sleep, a chair next to her was getting pulled and there was definitely someone trying to sit next to her. She tried to ignore whoever they were and just continue to sleep, but they tapped her shoulder.

She groaned and looked up, again.

"Oh, sorry, were you trying to sleep?"

It was the boy. The boy who was trying to sleep but unable because of the noises his friends make. 

"You think?" Bethany responded blatantly. The boy just made a dumb first impression to her.

"Sorry, sorry," said he while putting up a sheepish grin. 

"You see, I went here because I want to sleep as well," he said, "My friends are just too fucking noisy. Do you mind?"

Bethany looked over to the group of boys, they were still chattering and laughing even though its not as noisy as before. But still. She eventually shrugged.

"Whatever. But try not to disturb my sleep, alright? I'm trying to dream of Stick."

The boy tilted his head hearing this. 

"Stick? The blonde boy with glasses?"

Bethany nodded. She was never the type to be embarassed about her feelings. 

"Oh you like him?"

Bethany nodded again.

"Yeah. And you like someone named Chris?" replied her with a slight smile.

A blush was obviously appeared in the lad's cheeks. Bethany almost laughed. Somehow it was... cute?

"H-how do you know?!" He panicked, his voice stuttered a bit.

Bethany eventually laughed, and then rolled her eyes in a joking manner.

"You shouted out loud that you want to dream about Chris. How could I not know?"

The boy jaw dropped, embarassed of himself as more blush appeared in his face. Bethany chuckled and tapped the boy in the shoulder.

"It's okay. Guess we both are love sick people?"

The boy's eyes lit up, and a little smile started forming up.

"Ha, I guess we are... Say, what is your name?" asked him, leaned his chin on his palm.

"Bethany Collins. And... you are...?"

"Knox Overstreet!"

And they were just talking for the rest of the evening, forgot their first intention to sleep and dream of their loved ones.



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