𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲. 𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞

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NANO HAD DRIVEN US to a small little area in our neighborhood, down a few back alleys where we could sit in peace and talk. I sat on a bench, while Nano stood, walking around almost as if he was searching for the words to explain what was going on in his head.

"Wanna tell me why you were so desperate to talk to me? What do you need to say that was this important that you made such a scene at school."

I acted like I had no clue, but I knew he took me here to talk about the fact he had slept with Marina, although I don't care. Well, that wasn't entirely true, a part of me cared. But that part needed to be repressed, as he was clearly no good, he was my close friend's brother and he god damn slept with Marina. The thing is, I know why he did what he did. It was quite simple actually. He was a flirt, that much I could tell the first day we met. And at that party, he saw Marina. She's cute, of course, and he was bored, attracted to her, so he went to get what he wanted. just don't understand why he would pick her - not out of jealousy, but for the simple fact that Nano's brother had the biggest crush on Marina, so why would he hook up with her? That part made no sense since I thought Nano and Samuel were close.

"Okay. " He starts, "First of all, I was hurt. How many times since we met, including that day, have you told me to stop, to leave you alone, or that nothing could happen between us. That I was Samuel's brother, blah blah. It's bullshit and you know it. You feel the same as me, right? I know you feel it between us." I went to speak, but he shushed me before continuing, "And, then at the party, you were all over Christian; hugging him, wrapping your legs around him, kissing him. There was never a moment the pair of you seemed to be apart, every time I glanced over at you, there he stood. Es irritante! I wanted to talk to you. But you didn't even notice me. Marina was there, she noticed me, and she danced with me. And, of course, she's kind of cute. I was upset and needed a distraction." I roll my eyes as he continues to blab out excuses. "That's what I have to say. Don't act like you are in the right either."

I stand up in annoyance, not even sure how he's going to turn this onto me. "What!" I exclaim as I glare at him, "Don't you dare turn this on me. You were being moody all night, how was I supposed to talk to you!" I point at him accusingly, stepping towards him in frustration as he shakes his head, hands holding his head as if he was going crazy. "

"Puta madre." He mumbled under his breath, and I storm over to him, lifting my hand to slap him, but he effortlessly grabbed my arm, holding it in place. He looks me up and down, gaze lingering on my bare legs, on my slightly unbuttoned uniform, before reaching my eyes. He stepped towards me, closing the gap between us as his hand rested on my waist, the other still holding my arm, which he placed on his shoulder. He began leaning towards me, lips almost touching as I held my breath, incredibly nervous. "I know you feel it. I know you do. Why are you fighting this?" His lips grazed over mine for a second and just as I was about to give in I hear the sound of a motorbike heading towards us, Christian's jacket making it clear who was incoming.

"Shit." I said, pulling away from Nano slightly as Christian skidded into view, yelling something about how cool he looked. As he hopped off the bike and took off his helmet, he noticed Nano and I staring awkwardly at each other, still in the same position, with just a bit more distance between our faces, and his smile dropped. "Qué está pasando aquí?" He said as he walked towards the pair of us, who were trying to act natural as we separated from each other, although not very convincingly. Not that I really cared what Christian thought, considering he is obsessed with Carla. "Métete en tus asuntos." Nano said, slightly stepping in front of me. I roll my eyes, pushing him aside slightly to give Christian a small hug. "Hay algún problema?" Christian asked, looking to Nano who was staring him down, despite the pair being like brothers.

"Me voy a ir." I say softly, but Christian stands in front of me as if to stop me from going anywhere. "No no no, wait! No quieres saber adónde voy más tarde?" He asks, and I stare at him curiously, as does Nano. "Carla's." He announces proudly, a smug look on his face as he looks me in the eye as if challenging some sort of reaction from me. But I won't give him the satisfaction. Clearly what happened between us was just a distraction for the pair of us.

"Que te diviertas. Adiós." I reply, before walking away, swaying my hips slightly as I stepped down the stairs to head home. "Little Italia?" I hear Nano call as I reach the bottom of the stairs and he stares at me intensely. "You look so fucking hot in your uniform." He says, and I actually laugh, way too much, causing him to smile at me too. I waved goodbye to him, before walking down an alleyway to reach the main street near my house. I guess that was it. I might as well get over all these boys, clearly, none of them know what they want.

In truth, am I much better? In my head the boys are all tangled up and messy, I can't decide what to do, if I even like any of them or what the hell is going on. So I guess it's not just the boys who are indecisive.

As I'm walking towards my house, I see Samuel and I'm dragged from my thoughts. "Hey! Samu!" I called out, waving at him as he went to enter his house. "Hola Jada. How are you? Siento que no hemos salido en mucho tiempo." He said, looking a bit distracted, and I put my hand on his shoulder, gaining his full attention. "Parece que necesitas una distracción. ¿Quieres venir a mi casa? Podemos jugar videojuegos." I ask a soft smile appearing on his face as he nods. I grab his hand, pulling him upstairs to my house where I still had the place to myself.

We sat up there for hours, playing, chatting, until his mum called, asking him to come home. It was nice. Nice to finally sit down and talk to him. He talked about his brother. He talked about Marina. And Omar. And Nadia. We had quite the gossip all while playing Black Ops 4, which was what we always played together. I was always better than him, although he'd never admit it.

As the night drew to a close, I got into bed, feeling slightly unwell. I knew I was getting sick but figured it might just go off in the morning. Boy, was I wrong.

4 am, I woke up. Disaster. I rushed to the bathroom and spent the next hour and a half throwing up, with a high temperature and a banging headache, as if someone was drilling into my skull. After I had finally stopped throwing up, I grabbed a large bowl and rested it on the floor beside my bed, in case I woke up with the need to vomit and couldn't make it out of bed. All I knew was that I wasn't leaving this bed any time soon, but maybe that was for the best.

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