𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨. 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬

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AFTER I STORMED AWAY from Guzman, getting some well needed fresh air, I eventually returned to the building, walking down the corridor, still looking moody. The hallways were now filled with teens gossiping about a party this evening. Well, less of a party and more of a 'celebrity charity event' where the rich pretend to care for the poor. Instead, it was just an excuse to drink and socialize, forming good relationships with celebrities and other rich people in society. Samuel joined me as I walked into the cafeteria, immediately bringing up that Marina had invited Samuel to the elaborate event. I sat down, half spaced out and half paying attention.

"Jada? Me escuchas?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts, my eyes fully focused on Samuel as he played with his pre-made pasta using his plastic fork, both of which he pulled from his bag. "Perdona." I mumbled as he carried on with his story, just as Christian joined us at the table, face full of excitement. As he sat down with an apple in his hand, occasionally throwing it up to catch it, I noticed a smug expression on his face, and I just knew he'd be talking about this stupid party. "Hola. Alguien más tuvo una invitación a la fiesta?" He said, massive grin present on his face, which faltered slightly at the news that Samuel would be attending too. The pair began talking about their outfits for this evening, and how much fun they would have with the girls they had massive crushes on. Just as I began eating my sandwich, Guzman walked over to me, which I was definitely not looking forward to.

"Hola Jada." He said in a low voice, before gesturing for me to follow him into the corridor. Ignoring him, to begin with, I continue eating my sandwich, earning an 'ooooo' from Christian. "Please, Jada." He said, holding out his hand, which I unhappily accepted. He led me out into the corridor, past a bunch of students, including Lú, who's face dropped when she saw his hand in mine. He continued walking, pulling me into the library, I guess so we wouldn't shout at each other.

"Hey. Listen. I'm sorry. But I don't like Nano, and I think you should be with someone better." I groan in response, and he holds a finger to his lips as if shushing me. "I'm not finished. I want to show you I'm not a complete asshole. Please, can you do me the honor of attending the charity event tonight with me? I promise if you hate it you can leave, but it's a chance to see we are all shitty arrogant assholes." I scoff in response, staring up at him as he waits for a response. "Right... not all shitty arrogant assholes... Sure. What time and where?" I say, not really believing that I actually said yes. "No te preocupes. I'll have a car take us there, just send me your address so I know where to pick you up from." I shake my head at myself as Guzman glances down as his phone before his attention focuses on something behind me. I turn to see Nadia, and I smile, realizing he actually might like her. "Text me, okay?" He says as he rushes past me to catch up with the girl.

The bell rings, indicating the school day was over, and our evening was just beginning. As I walk down the elaborate steps of the school, I feel a presence beside me, and I turn to see Marina smiling as we walked. When we reached the bottom, she held my hand, turning me to face her. "Hey. Guzman texted saying you were coming to the party tonight? Es cierto?" I nod, rolling my eyes as she giggles. "Maybe we should go together. You and Guzman, Samuel and I?" I smile at her idea, agreeing with her immediately. "Thank god. I was wondering how I would survive your brother on my own." She laughed at my words, before asking me a question I didn't expect. "Están tú y Nano juntos? Estás saliendo con el?" I choke on my water, almost spitting it all over the place, as she giggles. "Oh my god. No. We're not." I say, coughing in between words as she stood laughing at me. "Are you sure?" She said, staring at me in somewhat disbelief, as she nodded over to the car that had dropped me off this morning. I glanced over, noticing Nano outside the car, who smiled and winked at me, causing Marina to giggle, nudging me slightly.

"Little Italia, you coming with us?" He asked, and I looked at Marina, who shrugged. "Up to you, but I was going to say why don't you come to mine, you can use one of my dresses." I smiled to her, before shaking my head to Nano. "Sorry Nano, I'm going to Marina's to get ready for tonight." He shook his head smiling. "Your loss, Princess." He waved goodbye just as Samuel was coming down the stairs, and Marina and I headed into the car that was there to pick her up, with Guzman already inside.

"Estamos listos, vamos." Guzman said, banging on the glass panel to indicate to the driver that we could leave. And soon enough, we were on our way to the elegant Nunier mansion, which was overwhelming, to say the least. Especially since my house was about the size of their bathroom. After a short ten minute drive, we arrived at the home, both parents being noticeably absent. As we walked around, heading to Marina's room, I could hear a faint voice which I had assumed was Mr. Nunier, coming from inside a locked room, probably the office. As Marina was tempted to knock, she held out her hand in a fist, before retracting it and walking away, leading me to her room.

As she opened the door slowly, almost as if revealing a beautiful prize, I inaudibly gasped at the size and how lovely her room was. Art covered the walls, with a leather jacket sprawled across her bed, and fancy gowns hanging off the clothes rail. "I couldn't decide which one to wear, so whichever one you want to wear I'll wear one of the others." She said, smiling to me as my hand lightly touched the silk material of the gown closest to me. "This blue one is nice. So is the red one. I can't decide." I giggled, very overwhelmed by even the chance to wear something as beautiful as this. My hand reached for the blue one, and Marina clapped her hands in excitement. "That one would look so cute on you; a true Princess." My mind wandered to what Nano had said earlier, and I knew this dress would make me feel like a princess.

We spent the rest of the evening trying on our outfits and doing our hair until I looked like I was a part of the rich and fancy world that I would be partying with.

But would I ever truly fit in? Probably not.

little italia, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now