𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲. 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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THE SUN BROKE THROUGH THE WINDOW, WARMING MY BODY INSTANTLY, causing me to throw the blanket off of me. Hearing a mumble beside me, I remembered I wasn't alone. I felt an arm wrap around me; turns out we'd done a full swap and now I was buried next to him as he wrapped his arms around me, trapping me. I watched as his eyes fluttered open and he stared right at me, as if trying to look into my soul. I smiled softly, and he did the same, as we enjoyed each other's company, and warmth (although admittedly it was getting a little too hot.) I freed one of my arms, using it to turn on the fan with the little remote I left on the floor next to the bed. Instantly, I felt the cool air hit our bodies and I sighed in relief, thankful. Christian broke eye contact, staring off at something behind me, and I turned to look, not seeing what he was looking at. As I turned back around, Christian's lips were almost touching mine, and he had a smug look on his face.

"Christian?" I breathed out, already knowing where this is was going as his lips touched mine, rushing to kiss me as if his life depended on it. Of course I was surprised, but as he pulled away, smile on his face, I knew this was what he needed. And also, what I needed. He pulled me back to him, grabbing my hair as if he would never let go. I felt his shoulders relax as my arms wrapped around his neck, fiddling with his hair as our kiss intensified, with him flipping me over so he was on top.

Our morning lasted for what felt like hours, with passion filling the room, and our minds. The alarm on my phone rang out through the room as we laid naked beside each other, my body draped over his quite comfortably. "Quieres desayunar?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence between us as he smiled to me, nodding as we both sat up, him putting on his boxers and me putting on a t-shirt and my underwear. "Sí, por favor. Tengo mucha hambre." He said, as we headed into the kitchen, Christian searching the fridge and the cupboards til he found eggs, cheese and bacon, declaring he was going to make both of us an omelette each. I had only seen Christian cook a few times, and I distinctly remember one time a year ago when he said he'd cook for me and he almost set the house on fire. I pushed that thought aside, decide to trust that maybe his cooking skills had developed since then. Still eyeing him carefully as he began frying this 'omelette', I sat on the kitchen counter, swaying my legs back and forth as the smell of bacon spread around the kitchen. My focus left Christians cooking (which seemed to be going surprisingly well) as my phone rang from inside the bedroom, and I hopped off the counter to go answer it. As I bought it back to the kitchen, missing the first call, the person called again, and I saw a picture of Nano appear on the screen.

"Morning Little Italia." His voice sounded tired through the phone, and after hearing him yawn, I ended up yawning too. "Morning Nano, what's up?" I said, as Christian placed the omelette in front of me, eyes widening slightly at the mention of Nano. "Want a lift?" He asked as Christian put the phone on speaker, shaking his head at Nano's words. "La llevaré a la escuela. Pero ella aprecia la oferta." Christian said smugly, and then Nano spoke again. "Christian? Is that you?" He asked and Christian giggled before responding. "Sí. Estamos ocupados desayunando. Adiós." He said as he picked up the phone, hanging up for me, before resuming his second omelette for himself as if nothing happened. I began tucking in to my omelette, it surprisingly being really good, in fact it tasted amazing, but I'd never admit it to him. His ego was big enough. "Not bad." I said, and he scoffed as he sat down, joining me at the table as he began eating too. "Es perfecto." He says, mouth half full of omelette, causing me to giggle as his stupidity. We sat laughing about silly stuff for a while, before Christian started getting ready for school, while I washed up before joining him, searching for my blazer and tie all over the place.

"Looking for this?" Christian asked as he held up my tie and blazer in his hands, and I smiled at his English, noticing it was getting better. "Thank you." I said, slightly snatching it from him as I put them on, before grabbing my bag, filling it up with my books and tablet for classes today. I stared to Christian in his uniform, with no bag, and I shook my head at him, wondering where his bag was. "Lo dejé en la escuela." He said, answering my thoughts as if he read my mind. I looked over my appearance in the mirror, noticing Christian standing behind me, licking my neck making me shiver. "Vamos." He said, grabbing my hand, pulling me out the door, allowing me a few seconds to pick up my bag and lock the front door. Almost dragging me down the stairs, he leads me outside to his motorbike, the one we used to ride together all through the summer, especially when we'd head out to the beach and smoke together. He smiles to me, passing me the helmet as I get on the back, placing it carefully on my head before we set off for school, my arms wrapped safely around him as we sped off to school, passing Nano and Samuel in their car on the way.

Within ten minutes or so, Christian and I had arrived at school. Not really rushing since we had free period first, we wandered down the corridors to the cafeteria since, somehow, Christian was still hungry. However, before we could even reach the cafeteria, Christian spotted Polo and Carla, and couldn't help himself. "Oi! Te he llamado tres veces. Mi nombre no estaba en la lista de casting." He said, staring between the pair as I stood beside him, wrapping my arm around his neck. "Ah... Er... Al final no pudo ser. Mi madre no acabó de verte. Lo siento." Polo said, clearly full of shit. "Ya, cojonudo." Christian gave the pair a dirty look before grabbing my hand as he began walking away, looking upset and pissed off. As we continued heading to the cafeteria, we saw Marina and Samuel arguing, with Marina storming off as Samuel called her name several times. It felt like this girl was playing games with my best friend, and I didn't want to see him get hurt. As we walked past, Samuel joined us and we all were catching up with each other as we walked into the cafeteria, sitting down as Christian ran off to get something to eat. Samuel pulled out his books and began studying, clearly trying to distract himself from Marina. I stared at him, wondering whether I should tell him about Marina and Nano, but decided not to, knowing that it's not really my place to say. Maybe, they've ended it. Maybe not. I have no idea. I open up my text book, trying to desperately finish my homework before class starts, since I realised I missed something out last night.

Christian then walks back towards us, tray of food in his hand, and I laugh at his claim he'd eat it all, despite already eating breakfast not that long ago. "I can do it. I promise." He said confidently, and I shook my head laughing. "Go ahead." I said, but as he looked away I stole one of his chocolate bars, which he noticed immediately, looking up at me to see the chocolate bar in my mouth. He giggled, moving around the table to grab me, but I moved away- or danced away, doing a stupid dance move that he used to do all the time to get away from him. This caused him to burst out laughing, especially when I was so focused on him and the silly dance that I almost fell over a bench in the cafeteria. I returned to my chair, kind of embarrassed as I sat down. Christian came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he whispered, "No te averguences. Te ves sexy," before returning to his seat, smirking at the blush that had risen to my cheeks.

Just as I finish my work and finish helping Christian finish his, the bell rings, and we rush off to Martin's class, only to find he wasn't there. This was unusual since Martin was always there before us, preparing for our class. I sat down anyway, next to Christian for today, so that neither Carla or Polo would sit there and bother him. The pair began whispering as they noticed I was with Christian again, and when I caught them both staring at me I poked my tongue out at them, causing them to awkwardly look away. Martin eventually appeared, looking slightly stressed, but began the class anyway, trying to brush of his lateness. I noticed Marina wasn't present, but didn't think anything of it, and instead focused on the lesson, as Martin began walking around to collect our homework. Christian handed Martin his homework with a smile on his face, knowing it was good since I had helped him with it. He nudged me under the table, smiling massively as Martin continued around the class, before he stood at the front of the class, lecturing us for 45 minutes about various things, while my attention was on Christian and the fact he slept so easily, his head dropping onto the table.

The rest of the day went by slowly, with my other classes including swimming, sports and maths. For the first time since I got here, the day was uneventful, or at least, it seemed that way. For now.

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