Chapter sixteen

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I woke up hearing one of the most beautiful sounds ever...sam pottorffs laugh. I noticed JC wasn't beneath me anymore and wasn't even in the room. I got up and walked into my room using JC's sheets to shield my body from any eyes.

I walked into my room grabbing a loose baggy white jumper and a bright pink neon bra with bright blue lady boxers. I chucked them on and applied a small amount of makeup. I walked out of my room and was suddenly hit by the strong smell of weed. I followed the smell and sams laughter into the lounge seeing sam sat down smoking a joint while JC puffs on a fag. I walk up behind the sofa and jump over it landing next to sam.

"I missed you!" I cheered hugging him as he hugged me back. He looked down at what I was wearing briefly before looking back over at his joint taking another puff.

"How have you been since I last saw you?" He asked pulling me in for another hug.

"I have been good but I missed you and JC a ton." I chuckled looking at him and JC.

"I heard your living here now?" He asked. I nodded. "That's cool" he says laughing at my small always.

I hear my phone buzzing in my pocket and take it out answering without looking at the caller ID.

***phone call***


?:I miss you.

Me: kian you should have thought about that before...

Kian: I know I know but just please meet me and talk to me...please.

Me: I don't give second chances kian!

***end of phone call***

"Who was that?" Sam said as I walked back into the room.

"A friend" I muttered.

I sat back down and laid down placing my head on sams lap. He smiled down at me then looked back up taking a puff of him joint. He looked back down....I thought about what happened next for a while before I do it. I pucker my lips and sam leans down kissing me lips breathing the smoke into my mouth. I placed my hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer to me.


I was startled by a loud beeping noise making me pull away from sam.

"Sorry I forgot to put my phone on silent." JC laughed walking off into the kitchen.

Sam leaned down and kissed my lips again. He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance I excepted and let his tongue explore my mouth.

Suddenly my thoughts wonder off to JC and I last night...I regret that so so so so much.

"Yo. sam. Kian's coming over!" JC shouts from the kitchen.

Sam lifts his head up shouting back okay and kisses me again but more lust filling the kiss.

A heard a knock at the door so I sat up a little to see who it was but instantly shot back down noticing it was kian. I panicked and realised...he's going to see me...unless...

"Sam kiss me." I whispered. He looked down and smirked placing his lips back on mine. The reason doing this is because sam always puts his hands on my cheeks and I know that kian won't see me he'll just see sam kissing a random girl.

"Haha get in there sam." I heard kian laugh Punching sams shoulder playfully. Sam went to get up to say something but I pulled him closer kissing him harder.

"You want to go to your room." Sam whispered against my lips. I nodded because right now I'll do anything to get away. I role off sam quickly and run to my bedroom with kian only seeing the back of my head. Sam slowly walked in looking high as shit.

"I don't want to do anything okay?" I said/asked sitting down on my bed.

"Pwease?" Sam whispered pushing me back on the bed and climbing on top of me. He kissed my neck and collar bone and jaw line.

"No" I giggled.

"Okay" he did a pouty face looking at me as he hovered over me. I leaned up kissing hot pout making him smile.

"Why are bad boys good for me." I whisper against his lips. I feel him smile.

"Because you just have that...affect." He chuckles pulling my hips against his.

"Stay with me sex just sleep in my bed?" I smiled against his lips.

"Sure!" He smiled back falling down next to me. "Why did you want to come in here?" Sam asked playing with my hair.

"Kian..." I whispered.

"Yeah what about him?" Sam whispered near my ear.

"He...well we had a thing and he technically cheated on my yesterday..." I cringed remembering that slut and everything she was doing.

"Don't tell me yours falling for him....he's a player as you have noticed....he hurts girls to like physically...he don't do relationships...and did you just say he cheated on you?" Sam spoke carefully choosing his words. I nodded and let a tear slip. That's when sam pushed me off him and stood up opening my door then slamming it.

"What the fuck do you think your playing at!!?" I could here sam shouting.

"What are you talking about?" Kian asked slightly calmer than sam. I just laid here listening to the convo.

"You playing one of my bestfriends...does the name ally ring any bells!!" Sam shouts even louder...

"What you have been playing ally!!?!" JC chirps in.

"I didn't...I mean. I did but guys know I don't do relationships and i can know she wanted a relationship..." Kian stuttered.

"You better leave before I kill you!" JC shouted. I hear footsteps going past my bedroom door and then the front door slam. Suddenly my door opens. I'm relieved when I see sams face poking through the door.

"Are you gonna lay with me?" I pout. He nods coming over and laying down on my bed pulling me on top of his chest.

"Go to sleep..." He whispers in my ear stroking my hair...


Dark (dark kian lawley, JC caylen and sam pottorff ft. Chris Collins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now