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notasasaeng: I know that was a mistake
notasasaeng: but you know I cant control myself
notasasaeng: wish ı could
notasasaeng: I hope ı didnt lost that chance
notasasaeng: being friends

apinkrong: if you are ok with being just friends, ı guess we can
apinkrong: you'll never now which one of yours is my favorite, the man ı think about
apinkrong: and if there will be something in future you won't block it again, please
apinkrong: it made me sad

notasasaeng: time, ı guess
notasasaeng: maybe one day, ı can let you go from my heart
notasasaeng: but till then, will you talk with me?

apinkrong: ı'm imprisoner, remember
apinkrong: ı guess ı didnt have someone who tries to cherr me up

notasasaeng: thanks, really
notasasaeng: its enough for me, for now
notasasaeng: how about watching Pirates of the Caribbean together

apinkrong: together?

notasasaeng: ofcourse not together like this
notasasaeng: together like..
notasasaeng: in the same time, and maybe talk about some details when its come

apinkrong: you're cute when you excited
apinkrong: I mean
apinkrong: friebdly
apinkrong: my friendb

notasasaeng: you're cute when you excited too noona
notasasaeng: in every way

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