Rongie: Did tou saw the magazine
Rongie: lolMyeonie: ı always keep my promises
Myeonie: I said that to you
Myeonie: One day, I'll be with you on that magazine
Myeonie: and I did itRongie: lol ı didnt think in this way
Rongie: like an announce to our marriage...
Rongie: when I turned to what happened before
Rongie: its like a miracle
Rongie: thank you for the first step
Rongie: you're the one who gives us a chanceMyeonie: you are my chance
Myeonie: and I think I have to thank to you
Myeonie: because in our relationship, you are the one who make the first stepRongie: what
Rongie: me
Rongie: ı dont rememberMyeonie: you came to this world before me to make it heaven for just me
Myeonie: And probably you are the one who started to walk beforeRongie: and you call this as a joke
Rongie: no its noona think
Rongie: ok, ı was thinking to stop that butMyeonie: ah wait
Rongie: Im YOuR NOOnA
Myeonie: no gosh
Myeonie: I want to be oppa...
Myeonie: :'((((
magazine • chorong x suho
Fanficnotasasaeng: I saw you on a magazine today. notasasaeng: That was the first time. apinkrong: What do you want? notasasaeng: One day, I'll be with you on that magazine.