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3rd person Pov: we get a shot of a young Vali Lucifer on his bed covered in blood and cum with his cousin Sarah next to him breathing heavily with a heavy blush on her face as she got done raping Vali.

A/n: I do not support rape at all.

Sarah: You're incredible as always Vali, I don't know how but your way bigger than any other male devil out there. Sarah said as she leaned over to the young white-haired boy and kissed him gently on his lips.

Sarah: Mmmm~, you taste delicious as always little cuz I'll be sure to come back again soon, but I still got to attend the engagement between Rias and Risa, so be a good boy and stay here ok? Sarah said as she got back into her dress and left leaving him to think to himself.

Vali:[What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment?].

????:" You haven't done anything wrong young one".

Vali: Who said that? Show yourself! Vali yelled out as he found himself inside his mindscape as he saw a white dragon land right in front of him with a large thud.

Vali: Who said that? Show yourself! Vali yelled out as he found himself inside his mindscape as he saw a white dragon land right in front of him with a large thud

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Vali: W-who are you? Vali asked as he backed up a bit in fear.

Albion:" I am the dragon that resides in your sacred Vali Lucifer Albion.

Vali: What's a Sacred Gear?

Albion: Sacred Gears are weapons that are bestowed upon humans from God some use them to become famous, others use them to become heroes, while others use for their own benefit.

Vali: So you're my Sacred Gear?

Albion:" Not only that but you also have three other Sacred Gears and possibly more to come".

Vali: I don't know if you can tell, but I'm in no condition to be your wielder Albion.

Albion: You may want to take another look.

Vali then takes another look at his body and notices that all of his bruises were all healed up shocking him.

Vali: What happened? How am I all healed up? Vali asked as he was shocked.

Albion: When your cousin left, I healed your body back to normal I'm not about to let my host with him meeting his other sacred gears.

Vali: Who are they anyway? Vali asked as three other figures appeared beside Albion.

The first one was a demon-like person clouded in lightesh purple armor with a tail the same color as it's armor color.

The first one was a demon-like person clouded in lightesh purple armor with a tail the same color as it's armor color

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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