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"I'm not going to that stupid party Hannah" eddie said annoyed at his best friend. They were under the bleachers after school.
"Oh come on eddie I bet you'll meet a bunch of cute guys there." She whispered to make sure no one would hear. "plus it's Beverly fucking marshs party it's gunna be awesome" Hannah said.
Eddie blushed Eddie was gay but of course the only people who knew that was him and Hannah.
"Fine" he said knowing Hannah would probably drag his ass if she had to.

"The party is next weekend I'll come and pick you up, we are gunna have fun" Hannah squealed.

"Ok ok Hannah I have to go before my mom has a fucking seizure." Hannah laugh as she waved goodbye to Eddie.
"See you tomorrow kaspbrak, remember MEET ME AT MY HOUSE!" She yelled loud enough for Eddie to hear. Eddie waved goodbye from far
"ILL TEXT YOU" he yelled back.

As Eddie was walking home he saw Henry and his goons, who he didn't feel like facing them today, he tried to speed walk and try to pass them without them noticing but of course Henry saw eddie.


"Where are you going fag" Henry asked with a smirk. Eddie just kept walking a little fast almost running he couldn't run because 2 reasons. One he has asthma and two bowers would for sure chase and catch up to him.
"Hey I asked you a question!" Henry now yelling. He caught up with Eddie and held him up by his collar. "Next time I ask you a question you answer. You hear me kaspbrak!" He said. Eddie quickly nodded. He looked at Eddie and back at his gang.
"I got it from here boys" bowers said with a smirk still facing Eddie. As they left Eddie gulped.
Henry threw Eddie to the ground and started punching him in the face and stomach.

Richie was riding his bike from school until he saw bowers.
"Shit" Richie whispered to himself. He tried to ride fast away. Yes Richie wasn't scared to fight anyone not even bowers but today just wasn't his day and didn't feel like dealing with Henry till he saw Henry was beating some kid. Richie wouldn't give a crap about Henry fighting anyone unless it was him or his friends but he recognized the boy. It was Eddie Kaspbrak the boy that used to go to his school but Richie never talked to him.
"Holy shit, BOWERS!" Richie yelled causing Henry to look who it was.
"Well well well isn't it the famous Richie Tozier everyone" but before he could finish Richie punches him square in the face making him knock out.

Eddie looked up all bloody and saw a ravened hair boy. Oh. My. God. It was Richie he used to go to school together before he moved schools after what happened with bowers. But Eddie was still confused on why Richie helped him.
"Here let me help you up" Richie said breaking silence. As he got Eddie up Richie asked if he wanted to go clean up at his house. Eddie said yes.

As they got to Richies house he took Eddie to his bathroom. Eddie sat on the toilet seat. As Richie cleaned eddies cuts Eddie asked Richie I question.
"Why'd you help me?" He asked.
"Well I saw you and you used to go to my school and I remembered how people said things about you like about your asthma and stuff." Richie said as Eddie nodded.
"You're Richie right?" Eddie asked.
"Yup Richie Tozier, and you're Eddie right?" Richie answered and asked.
"Yup thats me, sadly" he whispered the last part hoping Richie didn't hear. But Richie heard but felt like Eddie didn't want him to hear.
"So eds" before Richie can finish Eddie interrupted him.
"It's Eddie not Ed's" Eddie quickly said.
"Well eds will i see you around" Richie asked with a wink. Eddie sighed.
"I mean ya I guess" he said. Before there was any awkward silence Eddie spoke up.
"Well I should be going or my mom will have a heart attack." Eddie simply said.
"I'll walk you home?" Richie asked just wanting to see eddies beautiful face longer, but he won't admit that.

"I'm sorry I just- my mom doesn't like people she hasn't met coming over except my friend Hannah"
Richie put his hand over his heart. "Your mom doesn't like me after last night" he said.
"Eww gross" Eddie said walking away laughing.
"Eddie wait" Richie yelled. Eddie turned around.
"Here's my number give me yours." He said.

Eddie walked home after exchanging numbers with Richie. He got home luckily his mom was fast asleep on her recliner. Eddie thanked god and went up to his room and studied.
Ugh who could it beeeeeee ,Eddie  thought it was 10 pm and he was trying to sleep.
Anna: hey
Anna: ugh ur probably sleeping or studying, goodnight
Eddie: sorry I was studying but now I'm going to bed, goodnight


Richie: hey eds
Eddie: what? And don't call me any of those names
Richie: you know you love it ;)
Eddie: goodnight rich
Richie: boo ur no fun

That night Richie thought about Eddie and Eddie fell asleep thinking of how beautiful he thought richie was.

- Anyways spoiler,
The party is on the next chapter because I'm a lazy shit and don't feel like writing a week about things that don't matter
With love
-toni ;) 💘
Aka me the author

I kissed a boy, and I liked it [reddie] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now