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"The one and only" Jason laughed.
Eddie hugged Jason. "How did you even remember me?" Eddie asked. "Well how can I forget my middle school best friend?" Jason said.

"Also you're still short." Jason smirked.
Eddie rolled his eyes playfully. "For your information I grew a bit." Eddie said. "Ok ok, maybe like a inch." Jason said. Eddie shoved him.

"So how's Hannah? If y'all are still friends." Jason said. "Oh ya she's my best friend still, has been since we were little." Eddie said laughing.

Richie saw someone talking to Eddie. Eddie was about to say something till richie came up to them. "Hey spaghetti, who's this?" Richie asked . "Richie this is Jason, Jason this is richie" Eddie said smiling.

"Nice to meet you, well I have to go eddie, tell Hannah I said hi." Jason said walking off to some group of kids. "You ready for me to kick your ass at street fighter." Richie smirked.
A/n: ifykyk 🥺
"Oh it's on trashmouth." Eddie said.

They played street fighter for about 20 minutes and other games. Of course richie being the master at video games, he won and poor Eddie only won once. They were about to play another game till Sonia texted Eddie she wanted him home right away. He knew he was in deep shit.

"Hey rich I had fun but my mom wants me home." Eddie said. "Do you want a ride?" Richie offered. "I'd love to but I came on my bike." Eddie said. "No need to worry eds, you can put it in the truck." Richie said.

The car ride was silent. Richie stopped once they got to eddies house. "Thank you for today." Eddie said. "No problem eds." They smiled at each other for a while. "Don't call me eds" Eddie said giggling. Richie laughed. Once Eddie got his bike out of the trunk he prepared himself for what was to come next.

"EDWARD KASPBRAK" Sonia yelled making Eddie flinch at her voice. "WHAT IS THIS!?" She yelled holding up- "shit" Eddie thought. It was his crop top and skirt he wore when he was with Hannah or alone.

"It's h-Hannah's." Eddie stuttered. "Eddie bear I know when you're nervous just tell me the truth." She said. "You can ask her I swear." He said trying not to sound nervous.

Sonia called Hannah and Eddie ran up to his room. "Hey hon, did you leave your outfit here?" Sonia asked in a fake sweet voice. "Hmmm what does it look like?" Hannah asked over the phone.

"A crop top and a skirt." Sonia said hoping Eddie had told her the truth that the clothes were Hannah's. "Shit Eddie." Hannah thought. "Ah yes it is , I'm sorry ma'am." Hannah said. "It's fine dear, thank you." Sonia said.

Once Sonia hung up Hannah got a backpack but some snacks and her computer in there. She sadly look around her packed up room then left off to eddies house thinking he needed some company.

Once she got there she went through the window. Eddie got scared and jumped then he saw it was just Hannah. "Hey love" she said calmly sitting next to him on the bed. "Hey" Eddie replied tiredly. Hannah took out her computer and the snacks. They watched two movies and ate some snacks then fell asleep.

Hey loves, sorry I haven't updated school just sucks and I have volleyball practice like EVERY day and I'm just tired and
stressed when I come home.

So I'm taking a break but before that here is a chapter for y'all. Um let me. Clear up things about the story if you're confused.
Eddie is 16 so is Hannah and Richie is 17.
Jason was eddies friend in middle school.

Uhh Jason is just like Richie but Eddie doesn't have a crush on Jason but someone WILL have a crush on him.
And we will probably meet new characters 👀

Btw go read my friends story maleah_estrada

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed 🥺💖
Love the stupid author
-Toni 🦛

I kissed a boy, and I liked it [reddie] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now