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Joshua bassinet as Jason Liam



"Hey eds"
"Hi'ya rich, and don't call me that I hate it when you call me that"

"Suree, what's up?"

"What do you mean 'whats up' you wanted to call me idiot"

"Oh yeah right, well um how are you?"

Eddie giggled at Richie's lack of conversation.

"What's so funny"

"Nothing, I'm doing good."

Richie's heart skipped a beat when realizing he was talking to the most amazing person in the world.

"Hey eds...i"

*2 months later*

Eddie and Hannah talk more.

At Richie's house:

"Richie please go with me to the mall I'll do anything." Eddie pleaded.
"Im sorry eds i don't like the mall." Richie said witha shrug. Eddie frowned. "Oh come on spaghetti, ask Bev." Richie said.

"Fine at least she won't be a asshole and say no." Richie kicked eddie from the other side of the bed while texting Beverly. It's not that Richie hated the mall he just had to go with his dad today.

Eddie texting Beverly:

Hey Bev it's Eddie. I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping with me today.

Omg sure Eddie, I'll meet you
at your house in 15?

Actually I'm at Richie's but see u in 15

Okay see you!

Change eddie to 'Ed <3'
No  [yes]

Changes made

Change Beverly to 'bev <3'
No  [yes]

Changes made

{15 minutes later}

Beverly had knocked on richies door. "Hey beaverly." Richie said as Eddie pushed passed him out the door.
"Hey dickwad." Beverly replied. "Make sure Eddie spaghetti here doesn't buy anything stupid." Richie laughed. "Well if you must know tozier, I happen to buy wonderful things." Eddie replied.

"Yeah, like what?" Richie asked. Eddie's cheeks turning red. "None of your business, come on Bev." Eddie said walking away flipping Richie off.

Richie smiled as he closed the front door. "Richie your dad should be here any minute!" Maggie yelled from the kitchen. Richie rolled his eyes. "I know mom." It's not that Richie hated his mom it was just he wished he had a happy family.


"So Eddie what do you wanna do?"
"Ohhh we should go-wait one thing. You won't judge me right?" Eddie asked embarrassed of what Beverly might think if he said he wanted to go look and dresses. "Eddie of course not." Beverly said.

Eddie smiled. "Can we look at dresses."
"OH MY GOD yes of course we can!" Beverly said. Eddie giggled and as they were walking Eddie saw him again. "Wait Beverly, I'll meet you in the store. I'ma go say hi to someone." Eddie said.
"Okay , I'll see you in there."

"Hi Jason." Eddie said.
"Oh hi eddie, it's nice to see you again. Are you here with Hannah?" Jason asked. "No Hannah moved to Canada two months ago. I'm here with my friend Beverly." Eddie said. "Oh I was wishing to see anna. But I'm glad to see you again." Jason smiled.

"Well I should probably catch up with Beverly, see you later." Eddie said. "Uh yeah. Hey can I have your number so we can hang out sometime?" Jason asked.
"Yeah sure its..."

"I've had a great time Bev, hopefully we can go again soon." Eddie said about to open his door. "Same her Eddie. Goodnight." Beverly said walking off.
Eddie walked in his house seeing his mom asleep on the couch.

"See you next time dad." Richie said getting out the car. "See you too, and goodnight." Wentworth said. "Night." Richie said heading inside.

When Richie entered his house he saw a girl with short brown hair and a chief next to her. His badge name said 'hopper'
"Hey Richie this is El. She will be staying us till her father is finished with his job."
Maggie said.

Richie looked at the girl again. She was looking down at her shoes.
"They are from Hawkins Indiana and hopper is on a case here." Maggie said.
"Please take El to the guest room."

And Richie did just that. El followed Richie upstairs into the guest room. "Uh you'll be staying in here I guess." Richie said. El looks at Richie closely. Like she was examining his face. "Mike?" She said.

"Um no I'm richi- wait Mike wheeler as in will Byers boyfriend?" Richie asked remembering the name when will talked to Eddie. El frowned then smiled. "Mike was my ex. But he's dating Will now but it's fine because I'm now dating max." El said. "You look like mike." El said.

Richie shrugged. He's never seen the boy. But he was wishing to meet him soon for curiosity. "Well you should sleep. Tomorrow I can take you to meet my friends. Oh and you can meet Eddie.
He's the best really. His nicknames are eds, Eddie spaghetti, short stack- but only I can call him those." Richie said.

El giggled. "Is he your boyfriend?" Richie froze. "What no he just my, best friend."
El laughed. "Sure Richie." El yawned and laid down. "Goodnight rich."
Richie smiled at his new friend.
"Night El." He said walking to his room falling fast asleep.

Richie waiting for the best day of his life tomorrow.

While eddie will probably wish he never woke up.

So I saw the turning. It was good
But confusing at the end. I'm really sad that they didn't play Kate's not here by girl in red and getting better otherwise by the aburys but it's fine.

Till next time
-toni 🦙

I kissed a boy, and I liked it [reddie] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now