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Eddie woke up to arms wrapped around him. He turned around to see Richie sleeping. He tried to get out of richies grip without waking him up but failed. "Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Eddie says. " it's fine eds" Richie says. Eddie glared at him. "Don't call me that , I hate it when you call me that." Eddie says sitting on Richie's bed.
        "Ahh you love it eddie spaghetti" Richie winked and walked out the room. It's true eddie secretly love Richie's nicknames for him but he'd never say that out loud. Eddie scrunched his nose.(random but cute) "What the hell Richie" a unknown voice said. Eddie went down to see pancake mix all over the place, richie covered in flower and a woman laughing. Eddie couldn't help but laugh.
       The lady looked at eddie. "Mom this is my friend eddie, the one I told you about." Richie said trying to hide a blush. "Well hello dear, I've heard so much about you i am Richie's mom, Maggie." She smiled. Eddie said hello and why there was pancake mix everywhere. "Well your stupid bo-" she stopped herself. "Friend here doesn't know how to make anything." She said rolling her eyes jokingly. Eddie and her laughed. "Hey I'm not that bad" Richie protested. "Dude I bet a baby will make better food than you." Eddie laughed. Richie sticked his tounge out at eddie.
     "Well I'm going to get real food because you wasted all the mix" Maggie says and leaves. Richie cleans up and of course Eddie helps. They go up to richies room. "So you talk about me" Eddie smirked at Richie. Richie looked at him In the eyes almost melting into them. Richie leaned slowly in and so did eddie. Eddies breath hitched. And then...
       "I do, but most of the time I talk about your mom" Richie smirked. Eddie rolled his eyes. "Wow you are so funny rich" Eddie said sarcastically. "Thank you my good sir" Richie said in a Britain accent. Eddie couldn't help but giggle.
It was time school was over, meaning Eddie had to go home, and he was scared. He wasn't scared of his mom, no , he was planning to tell her she stayed at Hannah's but he was scared Hannah was gunna show up there looking for him because she probably called and texted him a million times. His phone was dead but he didn't bother charging it.
    "I have to go rich, or my mom will kill me" Eddie said. Richie was trying to convince him to stay longer but failed. "Fine, But call me when you get home " Richie said folding his arms. "Sure idiot" Eddie laughed. "Thank you for letting me stay mrs. Tozier" Eddie said to Maggie before leaving. "Please, call me Maggie and you are welcome to stay anytime Eddie" She smiled. Richie walked Eddie to the front door and came back in.
          "He's a keeper" Maggie told richie. Richie blushed. "We're just friends" he said. "Whatever ever rich, I'm sure a bunch of friends cuddle." She smirked. "Yes, me and bev cuddle." Richie exclaimed. Richie loves Beverly but only as friends nothing more She was like Richie's older sister. "That's different rich, y'all are like siblings she's basically your second mom and I'm your first" Maggie laugh. "See- I-, I like him as a friend ma" Richie said blushing and walking away. "For now" she whispered to herself smiling.

    As Eddie suspected Hannah was at his house talking to his mom. "Fuck" he whispered. As he got there he heard his mom. "Eddie bear where were you Hannah told me you weren't with her" she glared at eddie. Hannah saw Sonia's glare, sure she was mad at eddie for not letting her know where he was or anything but she knows what Eddie goes through and even if she was mad she wouldn't let him get hurt for it. "Oh no ma'am, I meant he stayed with me but I couldn't find him at the end of the day because we have a ... project to do." Hannah explained. Ms. Kaspbrak trusted Hannah.
   "I was at the library I'm sorry I scared you." Eddie said. "It's fine eddie bear as long you didn't hang out with that... tozier boy"she said. "Well can I go to Hannah's again to finish our project" Eddie asked. "Sure" She said. Hannah and Eddie sat in Hannah's car to Hannah's house is silence. They got there and went to Hannah's room.
      "WHAT THE HELL EDDIE" Hannah yelled. "Look my phone is dead and I stayed at richies house" he said. Hannah went soft she knew Eddie has a crush on richie. He not might not know but she does. "What happened eddie" she said. Eddie told her everything, she cried. She hated when her bestfriend gets hurt any type of way. She started to smile when Eddie told her about Richie. She noticed that he sounded happy when he mentioned richie and her heart melted. Yes Eddie forgot to call richie but richie has went out with his mom. And Eddie and Hannah slept together watching movies.

Hahahahahaha why did this take 3 days to write 😳👉👈
Anyways tomorrow is my moms bday and I have school Monday 🤮
So till next time
-Toni 🥵

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