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jimin was waiting for jungkook in his car after letting him know he's here.

jimin looked up to see jungkook exiting out of his place with cherry behind him. she kissed him before jungkook started heading towards jimin.

jimin's heart flipped once he saw jungkook, he couldn't help but check him out. he felt like a child.

jungkook opened the door and entered and with a smile said hello. soon they were on their way to a cafe to talk.

jimin ordered the drinks and jungkook had just left to pick up the drinks. quickly and secretly, jimin pulled up cherry's second account.

he remebered that she said to check out her story at 8. it's was 8:20. making sure his volume was all the way down, mute, he clicked on the story.

his eyes widened and he quickly exited the app. he just saw jungkook's girlfriend fucking another guy.

"here you go," jungkook said, interrupting jimin's thoughts. the older smiled and thanked him.

jungkook smiled and sat down across from jimin. "it's been awhile since we hung out," he began, "i've missed your company."

jimin's checks flushed as he spoke, "i miss you too." he quickly took a sip of his drink.

"so what did you want to talk about?" asked jungkook after taking a drink of his coffee.

jimin thought before he spoke, "i just wanted to chat. nothing in particular, you know, just wanting to catch up." he smiled

jungkook returned the smile, "awe does my hyung miss me?" he jokes.


brushing it off jimin asked casually, "how are you and cherry?"

"we are fine. gosh i'm happy to be with her. she's so amazing."


jimin smiled, "that's nice to know."

"yeah, i'm so happy she entered my life. i feel complete and able to work because of her. if she disappeared, gosh, i would be a mess," jungkook shook his head.

jimin frowned, he really likes her..

jungkook looked back at jimin with a bright smile, "i love her hyung."

jimin's heart snapped. he couldn't tell jungkook the truth, it would break him.

jimin just smiled and nodded.

a/n no media format here!

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