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Lucy's P.O.V

    "Are you ok, Lucy? I wouldn't expect you to posses the same motion sickness as Natsu." Erza comments after the five of us—including Happy had been riding the train towards Taro village for ten minutes.

"It must've been something I had eaten earlier." I reassure her. In truth I had skipped breakfast this morning, but there was no explanation for the intense nausea I had been feeling since we boarded.

"Ya it's out of character for you to be acting like flame brain over here. Maybe his dumb illness is contagious." Gray mocks the fire dragon slayer who his slumped against the trains window, his face blue with discomfort.

"At least she didn't catch your stripping habits, ice freak!" Natsu retorts before going back to his hunched over position.

"Why you—"

"Enough." The scarlet mage interrupts the boys, effectively shutting them up.

"Our arrival should be at any minute. I want you two to behave yourselves once you get there." She says crossing her arms. "That includes you Happy."


"Can you tell us more about the mission Erza?" I ask between sickening noises that almost mimic Natsu's . I assume she holds more info on our task since she had picked the job.

"Of course." Erza nods. "Taro village is a rather small village, it's where our clients house is located. The client in particular is apart of the Araceae family—a noble family of the town of high class. Of course that comes with a fancy mansion for members to reside in. Apparently one of the sons of the household suspects lowly thieves to be planning an attack to snatch a precious family heirloom located in said mansion."

"Wow" Happy says. "Maybe that heirloom is a golden piece of fish!"

"I doubt it." I swear drop.

"It must be a pretty protected valuable for bandits to be casing the joint for weeks now. I don't see why they would need us wizards." Gray argues.

"Yes, but our the sender of the request wants us to catch the bad guys for them before they put their well crafted plan into motion. Therefore despite all their careful efforts they'd be defeated." The requip mage explains.

"I'm just wondering what could be so precious that bandits would in fact need to put so much effort into obtaining it." I ponder.

"They are the richest family of the surrounding area." Erza replies. "I'm sure it would bring the bandits great pride to steal something of meaning to the high aristocrats."

"Nah that just makes them scum." Natsu argues. "The only thing stealing anything from anyone should bring is shame."

     No one in the cart couldn't help but agree. But it's or job not to let it come to that.

    The train suddenly comes to a slow stop, I notice Natsu regaining his strength. Yet somehow even as the vehicle stopped moving I still felt the same way.

    Erza is the first one to stand up. "Looks like we're here."

Natsu's P.O.V

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