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Hope this reunion satisfies. Shits gonna go down!!

No one's POV

    Hands clasped together, the ritual had finally begun. Lucy's and Yukino's heads pressed against each other, they started chanting. It came out as a nonsensical mumble.
Magic began to get absorbed from the two Celestial wizards

   Sweat began rolling off Lucy's forehead, she was unsure of what she was doing but before she knew it she couldn't stop herself. Even with her eyes tightly closed the blonde could feel the magic being discharged become overwhelming.

  The force of the ritual seemed to be too much for the space they were contained in. The walls and ceiling began to rumble, pieces of debris fell from above.

The floor shook as Luke attempted to plant his small feet to the floor, by now he was crying whilst Aizen laughed manically.

His henchmen, fearful from the strong power emitting from the gate ran before it was too late. Aizen didn't care in that moment—he'd soon have enough power to not need them anyway. He gripped the young boys shoulders to restrain him from being rash and running to his mom.

  Luke covered his eyes as he continued sniffling, his shoulders tensed up at the touch of the stranger. I can't see anything... he thinks to himself as a blinding peaked through the Celestial gates. Mom...


What's this? Juvia felt the floor tremble beneath her, it was a force from below. The water mage looked around and saw the Guild's walls trembling, glasses falling off the bar counter. Rival-san...

Juvia picked up the passed out Kusari and slung her over her shoulder. We have to get out of here...

  They made it to the doors and Juvia placed the girl on the dirt ground, looking back at the Guild the mountain, it was all rumbling. Tremors from the earth shook the ground even outside.

"Juvia doesn't like the look of this..."


"Did you feel that?" Erza stops to turn to Gray who nods. She touches the wall and felt the tremble that came from within. Pebbles of debris dropped to the floor.

"Let's hurry."


   A-almost there...! Natsu was almost panting at how long the two of them were running, but he could feel Lucy close.

  All of sudden floor rumbled, tipping them off there balance and allowing Natsu to stumble in the wall a bit, the vibrations from the wall so strong it almost made him sick.

"Natzu..." Happy said uneasily.

"I know, bud." He narrows his eyes. He began to push himself further.

That can't be good.


Lucy's POV

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