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No one's POV

         Erza drew in a breath of bewilderment. Here this man was talking about his brother who kidnapped Lucy, who took Yukino's keys, who was the Guild Master of Serpent's wing...who was magic-less.

'How did a man such as Aizen accomplish such feats? He must have some prowess to be able to pull the strings up till now. Either that or his charisma is beyond understanding. Having his lackeys carrying out the dirty work must have some part to play in his schemes.' Erza thought to herself, attempting to understand the new circumstance.
The Requip mage surely thought once getting to her old friend Lucy they'd have to face a big bad boss, much like their previous endeavours. But so far this task seemed like a piece of strawberry cake.

"My brother was envious, upset when he found out he himself couldn't be a wizard." He continued, allowing Erza to hear the rest of his story.

"And when dad died," his voice faltered, most likely revisiting those events. "It made it even worse. He wanted to keep our dad's keys, but they were quickly sold off to wizards." The man gestured his hand in a spastic motion.

"And that's why your brother is targeting celestial mages." Erza inquires.

The brother shrugs. "I'd say that's a factor to his motivations, what he truly wants to do with those zodiac keys, I have no ideas. Those have no sentimental value to our father as he never owned them."

The scarlet haired mage nods.

"Aizen also attempted joining our dad's Guild, which didn't go over well either as he was rejected for his lack of magic ability...something broke inside of him. I've never seen him since. He's just gone."

Erza stands up at the end of the man's story. "Thank you so much for this information." She respectfully bows.

"I hope it was helpful."

"It was."


          The dragon slayer, seven-year-old boy and exceed finally made their journey to the mansion where Team Natsu's mission took place years prior. The usually dense wizard had an inkling of hope that some useful clues to Lucy's whereabouts would be found where this mess seemingly began.

It wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe those Serpent guys are here somewhere. Natsu chided himself as the trio began searching the premise. The building was long abandoned now and the atmosphere gave the dragon slayer a creepy vibe.

Natsu shifted his eyes to Luke, who was restlessly kicking at the overgrown grass as if a magical clue would suddenly appear. Things had been instantly awkward between the two, and Natsu could tell.  Why did Loke have to pair me up with this kid of all people? He would probably like Freezer brain more anyway. I mean, he won't even talk to me.

He began to sniff out a scent, in hopes his nose would recognize Lucy or a Serpent Wing guy's scent. So far it was leading him on a wild goose chase, whether the smells he was picking up on were from almost a decade or a week ago, he couldn't tell.

"Anything yet?" Happy appears from above, his angelic wings flapping in the air. Natsu shakes his head. "Looks like Luke hasn't found anything yet either, we should keep looking."

"I'll go on and check inside the mansion." The exceed says, proceeding to fly up and sneak into an open window, leaving Luke and Natsu to themselves once again.

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