I'm sorry

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I need to tell you I'm sorry. I'm sorry for forcing you hide your feelings. I'm sorry that sometimes I made you feel numb. I'm sorry that after everything you have ever done, I still remind you it's never enough. Yes, I'm sorry. I will always be.
If you want to let people know what you feel, I'm there to tell you that you should not. If you want to risk yourself on what you believe in, I'm there to remain you that you can fail too.
I'm sorry. I really am. I just can't let myself suffer anymore. You have been through a lot and it's hard to see that not matter how strong you can seem to be, you are very sensible inside. I see you crying every night. I see every tear dropping off your face. I feel them. I feel how wet they are. I only want them to disappear...
This isn't an apologize, I know I will keep doing it. I just have this weight on me that I need to get off.
I need you to know that even thought you hear me I know you feel something totally different, and it's okay.
Sometimes we don't agree. Sometimes you hate me. I think I'm always right but you are the one who always feels I'm not.
But let me tell you, my heart, that I'll always be there for you.

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