Chapter 1: Secrets

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Warning: MANGA SPOILERS! I cannot emphasize this enough.

Note: Yelena's motives are different in this story. I just wanted to write a fic where she's a more threatening villain and Armin goes full BernArnold from Westworld. This is an introspective piece on free will and personal vices with themes of influence versus slavery. It's a shitshow full of drama and conspiracy. The tea is hot here, folks. Go have fun.

*Also you are blonde because it's relevant to the plot.

Chapter 1: Secrets

"Sorry. I've got to run that errand first. Catch up with you later?"

'Lying now?'  You raised an eyebrow as he turned towards the door. Armin's eyes were much too large to veil his guile; he really ought to give up the practice. Perhaps you were wrong and he was telling the truth, but the chances of that were slim. You had heard him tell a similar vague lie to an officer the other day, only to retreat down the basement steps for a few hours. You decided to call his bluff just to be sure. "Ah, wonderful. I just finished sorting through the list of new scouting recruits. Would you be a dear and drop it off to Zackley for me? Since you're going there anyway." A flicker of discontent danced across his pale features before being immediately suppressed.

"...Sure." He nodded once and outstretched his hand.

"If it's inconvenient for you, I can-"

"No, no. Don't trouble yourself." He smiled. "I should be back before supper. Want to see what Niccolo is making tonight?"

"Uh..." A grimace crinkled your countenance. "Are you sure that wouldn't be insensitive of us? Considering-"

"I thought the same thing too, but he offered. He says it's what she would have wanted. And I think doing what he loves is a distraction from the grief."

"Mm." You chewed your bottom lip thoughtfully. "If it's something Eren likes we should bring some back for him."

"That's assuming they let us see him... Maybe Hange can make an exception in this case."

"Hope so."

"Well, I better get going and make sure I don't catch the General during one of his afternoon meetings."

"Thanks again for doing me this favor, Armin. You're such a sweetheart." You blew him a kiss. For an instant he seemed taken aback, but his surprise melted into a warm smile before he returned the gesture. You held back your chuckle until the heavy wooden door latched shut. After all this time he still blushed at something as simple as that. His propensity to become easily flustered was definitely a Bertolt-ism you had grown fond of. Or had it been an Armin-ism all along? It was hard to be entirely sure nowadays.

Were the two of you dating? Sort of... Following Armin's unspeakable brush with death you had openly confessed, though it was surprising he was able to make out any words at all considering how hard you were bawling when you said it. After nearly losing him any fear of rejection seemed trivial, and much to your delight he was pleased by your divulgence. For the briefest of times the two of you shared a dazzling period of reciprocation. However, when the time limits of the Nine Titans were brought to light, a sort of rift emerged between you.

Discovering your beloved's shortened lifespan spawned a feeling akin to swallowing a gallon of sharp knives. Armin, on the other hand, didn't seem to be nearly as shaken by his impending demise. He had been prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve humanity's future, and believed it was his destiny to die on that rooftop in Shiganshina. Yet here you both sat, solemnly discussing the facets of your now-limited future. Armin addressed the situation exactly as you expected, and tried to convince you that it would be a waste to hold affection for him any longer, as it would only cause you more suffering and loss down the road. He insisted that you deserved a long happy life and could settle down with any number of men who came to call after the fight was won. It was a sound and logical argument, as all of Armin's are, but it was not enough to deter your feelings. You asserted he was worth it, and that he should want to savor the joys of humanity as much as he can- while he can- rather than count them among his losses. He seemed to take those words to heart... at least for a while.

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