Chapter 4: Complication

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Chapter 4: Complication

'Hm. Well that's underwhelming.' Your lips twisted in confusion as you stared at the pristine parchment. The pages near the end of the book began to bunch and lift of their own volition, forcing you to press it down to read. 'Did she tell me the wrong page number or something?' Upon Yelena's designated verso rested a genealogy chart. Tiny boxes branched and connected to one another, illustrating the lineage of Paradis. It was laughably short; the author's bias against Eldians was grossly apparent, seeing as only the Reiss bloodline had been recorded while every other nation had at least several prominent families listed. Below Rod Reiss was six children, big red X's printed below their names, signaling that they had been wiped out before they could produce heirs. Historia was the only one without this distinct marking, and for a moment you really had to stop to wonder how they managed to get her photograph. Beneath her name instead was a branch and a question mark, a placeholder for her potential child. You had to move your splayed hand to view the rest of the picture, revealing another question mark, but this one felt rather outlandishly placed. It was straight below Uri Reiss, Historia's uncle.

'Hmph. Shows how little Marleyans know about us.'  It was common knowledge among your people that Uri Reiss had no children. He was a slave to the will of the first king and yadda yadda. You remembered said fact from one of Eren's many political rants, though you had to admit you tuned in and out of those most of the time.

"Ugh." The pages at the end of the book sprung up once more as you tried to read the footnotes, causing you to grunt in frustration. Were the pages behind it folded or something? Finally you let pressure off the book, causing it to flip open to the next page. "Huh..." Stashed securely between the creases of the binding rested an envelope. On the front was the same symbol below Historia and Uri Reiss's names: a thick question mark in black ink. You turned to open it only to notice that the crimson wax seal was already broken. Narrowing your eyes in suspicion you unfolded the letter and began to read.

My Esteemed Associate,

Alas, I write to inform you that the time has come, a time when family duties conflict with one another, when I must abandon my legacy to continue theirs. The succession must pass to Frieda; my term is almost complete.

However, an unforeseen complication has arisen. Do you recall the night we spent in Wall Rose, when I vanished from the tavern for a few hours? A child was born three months ago, a small girl of gold hair...

"What... is this?" You puzzled the letter, wondering whom on earth it was written to.

...I shall enclose a separate letter with her specific location, which you must take care to destroy. See that she is hidden from our enemy's eyes, given to a family of humble means. I'm counting on you, Kenny, and I don't expect we shall speak again. But know that I will be with you in spirit as you carry out my final wish.

Even in these dark times, love shall not be the death of duty. The endowment must be preserved. My most loyal friend, I pray that the term of your own life, lengthy or brief as it may be, will allot you the fulfillment and enjoyment so many of us go without.



"This letter was... from Uri Reiss to... Kenny Ackerman?" Your eyes danced over the paper a few more times, mind no longer absorbing any words. "Chri-er- Historia's uncle had a daughter?" You felt a weight appear in your stomach when the date on the top of the letter corresponded to your birth date, which then immediately lightened when a new conclusion dawned on you. "This is a prank." The daughter of royalty and a tavern wench? How cliché. Your family raised you in Trost. There's no way they would've gone their whole lives without telling you such an important secret. Then again, you had been told for years how odd it was that you bore no resemblance to either of your parents. The more you dwelled on it, the more your gut convinced you that this was not a farce. It was then that the greater implications of this letter began to creep in on you. 'This came from Marley... The question mark in that history book indicates they have evidence enough to believe Uri Reiss had a child.'  You started tapping the desk with your fingers nervously. 'If this is real and I am the heir, a logical way to slow the Eldian onslaught would be to eliminate the royal family.' The spiral began.

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