Prologue: Death

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Percy's POV

I was forced to kneel, as twelve giant form stand around me, but I couldn't see the faces I hate so much. Everything was a blur. There's only pain; a torturing, unbearable pain. I cough, and I taste something in my mouth. It was the familiar metal-like taste; blood. I coughed blood, and they didn't even spare me a glance. Not that I care. All I care for now is the pain that won't stop.

The pain was starting to win, I was starting to lose. I couldn't win, no matter what. I knew I couldn't. Maybe this is the end. I close my eyes, welcoming the darkness. I distantly hear the booming and over-dramatic voice of Zeus with thunder rumbling behind—

"—We banned you, Perseus Achilles Jackson!"

The floor under me was no more, and I feel myself going down straight to my death.

I welcome the darkness to fully envelope me. It's hands embrace me like a father welcoming his long-lost son home.

I could feel no more.

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