[3] Tony Stark

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Percy's POV

I was thankful when Fury said he'll have Phil Coulson— an agent and a close friend of mine —to help me recruit Stark. He said Phil will be there because Tony Stark and Pepper Potts know him from their 'encounter' before. I hope with him there, it'll all be faster.

After an hour and more, everything's settled. Phil and I was standing in front of Stark Tower, where Tony Stark is.

"Good night. We're here to meet Mr.Stark," Phil said the second him and the lady on the counter stood face-to-face. Good thing I have him; I was known as rebel and impolite.

The lady— Heidi as her name tag says —observe the two of us before raising an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Have you make an appointment?"

"No, but this is very urgent." Phil told her.

Heidi's face remain bored. "then I can't let you in. Come back another day after you make an appointment."

Phil scowled, clearly displease. "Listen—"

I groaned, tired of all this crap. "Just told Stark that Phil Coulson and Percy Jackson are here to meet him!"

Phil throw me a warning look, which I happily ignored. Heidi give us a wary look before pressing the comm in her ear. "Mr.Stark? . . I'm sorry, but there's people who demanded to meet you right now . . No they don't— . . It seems urgent . . Percy Jackson and Phil Coulson . . I understand . . Alright."

Then she turn to us, "I'm sorry, but Mr.Stark denied any meeting right now. He said to call him tomorrow to make an appointment."

I curse inwardly. Nat's right, Stark's annoying rate could be 8 from scale 1 to 10. He clearly recognized Phil's name, but acted like he don't. And he dare to tell us to make an appointment tomorrow? Yeah, of course, it's not like the world is gonna end soon. We'll have time to make an appointment for 'meeting', sure.

"I don't need anymore of these crap, Phil. Let's just call Fury already." I said, irritated. He said nothing as I active my own comm. As soon as I hear Fury's voice, I said to him, "polite way didn't work. We need to hack JARVIS."

"Wait." Was the only response I got from him.

We waited there, with me trying to be patient as I'm tired as hell after my mission. None of us bothered to acknowledge Stark's worker as she stared at us— confused and wary. Of course, she didn't know we'd off her comm yet. Just to make sure Stark won't know about our arrivals yet.

Finally, after a minute passed by, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D confirmed that we can go, and Phil and I waste no more time. We get to the elevator, Phil push the button to the roof. No objection from JARVIS.

I glance at Phil as I hold out my phone. "Wanna make a call?"

Phil sigh, "alright." He took the phone I offered, and call Tony Stark, putting it into speaker. Once the line are connected, he said professionally. "Stark, we need to talk."

"You have reach the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message." Tony Stark said from the other side.

"This is urgent." He said, his voice calm although I saw impatient in his eyes.

"Then leave it urgently." Stark replied, and cut the connection.

"You asked for it." I said under my breath as I watch the elevator's door opened, revealing him and his girlfriend Virginia Pepper Potts, redecorating STARK building.

"Mr.Stark," Phil greeted, while I stay silence as I walked in front of him.

"Hey, come in, Phil, um.." Pepper Potts said.

I flash her a smile, "Agent Jackson, although I prefer Percy more. I don't understand why S.H.I.E.L.D. love polity and all that crap."

She smile warmly. "Alright, come in then Percy, Phil."

"Phil? Percy?" Stark asked, walking towards Pepper.

"We can't stay," Phil said, flashing her an apologetic smile.

"Their first name is Agent." Said Stark, with a jealously behind his eyes. He conceal it, acting easy and cocky.

"Come on in," Pepper ignored him. "We're celebrating!"

"Which is why they can't stay. Soon as possible." Stark remarked.

Without words, I handed him the file I'd been holding since Fury had sent me it. I may or may not had take a peek, but nonetheless, it was all about Avengers' informations and biographies.

"I don't like being handled things." Stark denied.

"That's alright," Pepper said, giving me the glass of red wine and taking the file out of my hand. "'Cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade. Thank you." Then she switch the file with Tony's wine, taking a sip.

I give Phil the wine in my hand, which he took a sip. I'm not in mood for alcohol.

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." Stark told us.

"This isn't exactly official." I said.

"And this isn't consulting either." Phil piped up.

"Is this about Avengers?" Pepper asked curiously, making us to turned to her. She blush a bit, then quickly add. "Which I know nothing about."

However, she had perked Stark's interest.

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." He mused as he look from images to images.

"I didn't know that either."

She clearly know everything.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self obsessed, don't play well with others." He grumbled, still not taking his eyes from the pictures.

I smirk. Natasha sure is know how to judge someone.

"That I did know." Pepper said, smile teasingly. Phil snorted silently.

I smile a bit, before turned to Stark. "This isn't about personality profiles anymore."

"Whatever." He turn to Pepper, "Miss Potts, got a sec?" Without waiting for her answer, he drag her away from us.

I tried to focus on something else as I tuned out their conversation, giving privacy for them.

"Alright." Stark said, "but before that I need to asked some questions."

I raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue.

"You, Agent Jackson, is the part of Avengers Initiative, but your files are shorter than the others. Why is that?"

I tense, and I could feel Phil tense too, but I ignored him. "I actually love my privacy, Mr.Stark, so I'll be grateful if you didn't hacked on my file. Oh, and since we'll be a team soon, I hope you can call me Percy. I don't like formalities, Tony."

He smirk.

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